CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


Interface Logger

All Known Subinterfaces:
BLTHContext, EventContext, EventROContext, ExposedEventContextInformation, ExposedTaskContextInformation, FieldContext, IMContext, IMPersistentContext, LogicalAttributeContext, NotificationRuleContext, ParticipantResolverContext, ScreenContext, TabControllerContext, TabSequenceContext, WorkflowContext
All Known Implementing Classes:
BLTHAdapter, EventListenerAdapter, ForgottenPasswordHandler, LogicalAttributeAdapter, NotificationRuleAdapter, OrgSelectorAdapter, ParticipantResolverAdapter

public interface Logger

Lets a custom object log a message to the application server log. The custom object can log a message about any operation that it performs for a task.

The Logger interface is part of the core Identity Manager API architecture. The ...Context and ...Adapter objects in each Identity Manager API inherit Logger methods.

The addDetail parameter of all Logger methods specifies whether the following task-specific information should be added to the beginning of logged messages:

For information about Identity Manager logs, see the CA Identity Manager Operations Guide.


Example log message with addDetail set to false:
 2003-02-21 13:48:56,359 - (ims:INFO) - GetManagedObjects in org: ou=testOrg,
Here is the same log message with addDetail set to true and posted from a ...Context object:
 2003-02-21 13:48:56,359 - (ims:INFO) - AdminDn=uid=administrator1,ou=testOrg,, 
 TaskName=ModifyUser,  TaskCreationTime=13:38:55, Message: GetManagedObjects in org: ou=testOrg,
Here is the same log message with addDetail set to true and posted from an ...Adapter object:
 2003-02-21 13:48:56,359 - (ims:INFO) - AdapterName: DefaultUserEventListener, 
 Message: GetManagedObjects in org: ou=testOrg,

IdentityMinder 5.6

Method Summary
 void logDebugMessage(java.lang.String message, boolean addDetail)
          Logs a debug message for the task.
 void logErrorMessage(java.lang.String message, boolean addDetail)
          Logs an error message for the task.
 void logInfoMessage(java.lang.String message, boolean addDetail)
          Logs an informational message for the task.
 void logWarningMessage(java.lang.String message, boolean addDetail)
          Logs a warning message for the task.

Method Detail


void logDebugMessage(java.lang.String message,
                     boolean addDetail)
Logs a debug message for the task.

Use this method for debug-level messages (all events and activities are logged).

message - The message to be logged.
addDetail - A flag that indicates whether additional information about the task should be logged. If this parameter is true, task-specific information is pre-pended to the logged message. If this parameter is false, no additional information is logged.


void logErrorMessage(java.lang.String message,
                     boolean addDetail)
Logs an error message for the task.

Use this method for error-level messages (events that do not complete successfully are logged).

message - The message to be logged.
addDetail - A flag that indicates whether additional information about the task should be logged. If this parameter is true, task-specific information is pre-pended to the logged message. If this parameter is false, no additional information is logged.


void logInfoMessage(java.lang.String message,
                    boolean addDetail)
Logs an informational message for the task.

Use this method for information-level messages (the status of events and activities are logged).

message - - The message to be logged.
addDetail - A flag that indicates whether additional information about the task should be logged. If this parameter is true, task-specific information is pre-pended to the logged message. If this parameter is false, no additional information is logged.


void logWarningMessage(java.lang.String message,
                       boolean addDetail)
Logs a warning message for the task.

Use this method for warning-level messages (non-critical failures, such as being unable to send an email, are logged).

message - - The message to be logged.
addDetail - A flag that indicates whether additional information about the task should be logged. If this parameter is true, task-specific information is pre-pended to the logged message. If this parameter is false, no additional information is logged.

CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


© 2011 CA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.