CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


Interface EventROContext

All Superinterfaces:
IMContext, Logger, ProviderAccessor,, ServiceProvider, TaskInfo
All Known Subinterfaces:
ExposedEventContextInformation, NotificationRuleContext, ParticipantResolverContext

public interface EventROContext
extends IMContext

Provides access to the current Identity Manager event, including the managed object(s) in the event.

EventROContext allows read/write access to the managed objects in Identity Manager events. If managed object information for an event is modified, Identity Manager commits the changes to the directory after any workflow approvals required for the execution of the event have been provided and the execution of the event is complete.

In addition to accessing the managed objects in the current event, EventContext gives you direct access to the managed objects in the data store through the ProviderAccessor object.

EventROContext is extended by the ...Context objects of the Participant Resolver API and the Notification Rule API. These APIs inherit all the context methods in the core Identity Manager API through EventROContext.

IdentityMinder 5.6

Method Summary
 IMEvent getEvent()
          Retrieves a read/write version of an event object for the current event.
 java.lang.String getEventDescription()
          Retrieves the description of the current event.
 java.lang.String getEventName()
          Retrieves the name of the current event.
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.imapi.IMContext
getAuxDataRoot, getLocalizer, getLocalizer, getSessionAttribute, removeSessionAttribute, setSessionAttribute
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.imapi.Logger
logDebugMessage, logErrorMessage, logInfoMessage, logWarningMessage
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.imapi.TaskInfo
addErrorObject, addMessageObject, addMessageObject, addStatusDetail, createRuntimeStatusDetail, getActionType, getAdminFriendlyName, getAdministrator, getAdminTask, getAdminUniqueName, getAuthDirFriendlyName, getAuthDirUniqueName, getEnvironmentFriendlyName, getEnvironmentUniqueName, getObjectOrganization, getObjectOrganizationFriendlyName, getSessionCreateTime, getSessionId, getSiteMinderSessionId, getSiteMinderSessionSpec, getSiteMinderTransactionId, getSMHeader, getSubject, getSubjects, getTaskApplication, getTaskCategory, getTaskFriendlyName, getTaskUniqueName, getTSContext, getUserLocale, isAuditableTask, isTaskReadOnly, isWorkflowTask, sendAuditEvent
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.imapi.ServiceProvider
canUserAdministerGroup, convertLogicalToPhysical, convertPhysicalToLogical, decryptString, decryptString, doesSupportGroup, doesSupportOrganization, encryptString, encryptString, findAdminTask, getAllUsersAccessRoles, getGroupAdmins, getGroupMembers, getGroups, getGroupsAdminCanAdminister, getManagedObject, getManagedObjects, getManagedObjects, getOrg, getOrgMembers, getRootOrg, getSubOrgs, getTemporaryPassword, getTempPassword, isPasswordValid, isPasswordValid, isTopMostOrgWhichTaskIsBoundTo, validatePassword, validatePassword
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.imapi.ProviderAccessor
getAccessControlProvider, getAccessRoleProvider, getAccessTaskProvider, getAdminRoleProvider, getAdminTaskProvider, getAnalyticsEngineProvider, getEnvironmentSettingsProvider, getGroupProvider, getManagedObjectProvider, getOrganizationProvider, getProvisioningPolicyProvider, getProvisioningRoleProvider, getRelationshipProvider, getSecurityProvider, getSynchronizationProvider, getTabDefinitionProvider, getUserProvider

Method Detail


IMEvent getEvent()
Retrieves a read/write version of an event object for the current event.

An event object for the current event.


java.lang.String getEventName()
Retrieves the name of the current event.

The name of the event.


java.lang.String getEventDescription()
Retrieves the description of the current event.

The description of the event.

CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


© 2011 CA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.