CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


Interface BLTHContext

All Superinterfaces:
IMContext, IMPersistentContext, Logger, ProviderAccessor,, ServiceProvider, TaskInfo
All Known Subinterfaces:
FieldContext, ScreenContext, TabControllerContext, TabSequenceContext

public interface BLTHContext
extends IMPersistentContext

Provides access to information and services in the current task session. Information and services include:

A BLTHContext get... method that retrieves a managed object will return null in either of the following circumstances: Some BLTHContext methods return a ResultsContainer of objects that are associated with the subject of the current task. For example, getUsersGroups() returns the group assignments for the User object that is the subject of a Create User or Modify User task.

Identity Manager passes BLTHContext into each method it calls in BLTHAdapter.

IdentityMinder 5.6

Method Summary
 AccessRole getAccessRole()
          Retrieves the AccessRole object involved in the current task.
 ResultsContainer getAccessRoleAdmins()
          Retrieves the administrators who are assigned to the access role involved in the current task.
 ResultsContainer getAccessRoleMembers()
          Retrieves the members of the access role involved in the current task.
 AccessTask getAccessTask()
          Retrieves the AccessTask object involved in the current task.
 AdminRole getAdminRole()
          Retrieves the AdminRole object involved in the current task.
 ResultsContainer getAdminRoleAdmins()
          Retrieves the administrators who are assigned to the admin role involved in the current task.
 ResultsContainer getAdminRoleMembers()
          Retrieves the members of the admin role involved in the current task.
 AdminTask getAdminTask()
          Retrieves the AdminTask object that is the primary object (subject) of the current task.
 java.util.Vector getDeletedGroups()
          Retrieves the Group objects deleted in the current task.
 java.util.Vector getDeletedOrgs()
          Retrieves the Organization objects deleted in the current task.
 java.util.Vector getDeletedUsers()
          Retrieves the User objects deleted in the current task.
 java.util.Vector getDisabledUsers()
          Retrieves the User objects disabled in the current task.
 java.util.Vector getEnabledUsers()
          Retrieves the User objects enabled in the current task.
 Group getGroup()
          Retrieves the Group object involved in the current task.
 ResultsContainer getGroupAdmins()
          Retrieves the administrators who are being assigned privileges to manage the group involved in the current task, or whose privileges for managing the group are being revoked.
 ResultsContainer getGroupMembers()
          Retrieves the members being added to or removed from the group involved in the current task.
 Organization getOrg()
          Retrieves the Organization object involved in the current task.
 ProvisioningRole getProvisioningRole()
          Retrieves the ProvisioningRole object involved in the current task.
 ResultsContainer getProvisioningRoleAdmins()
          Retrieves the administrators who are assigned to the provisioning role involved in the current task.
 ResultsContainer getProvisioningRoleMembers()
          Retrieves the members of the provisioning role involved in the current task.
 AdminTask getTask()
          Return the currently executing AdminTask
 java.util.Vector getTaskTabHandlers()
 User getUser()
          Retrieves the User object involved in the current task.
 ResultsContainer getUsersAssignedAccessRoles()
          Retrieves the access roles that the user involved in the current task is being assigned to or removed from.
 ResultsContainer getUsersAssignedAdminRoles()
          Retrieves the admin roles that the user involved in the current task is being assigned to or removed from.
 ResultsContainer getUsersAssignedProvisioningRoles()
          Retrieves the provisioning roles that the user involved in the current task is being assigned to or removed from.
 ResultsContainer getUsersGrantableAccessRoles()
          Retrieves the access roles that the user who is involved in the current task can grant.
 ResultsContainer getUsersGrantableAdminRoles()
          Retrieves the admin roles that the user who is involved in the current task can grant.
 ResultsContainer getUsersGrantableProvisioningRoles()
          Retrieves the provisioning roles that the user who is involved in the current task can grant.
 ResultsContainer getUsersGroups()
          Retrieves the groups that the user involved in the current task is being assigned to or removed from.
 boolean isObjectBeingCreated()
          Determines whether an object is being created for the current task.
 boolean isTaskReadOnly()
          Determines whether the current task is read-only.
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.imapi.IMPersistentContext
getPersistentData, setPersistentData
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.imapi.IMContext
getAuxDataRoot, getLocalizer, getLocalizer, getSessionAttribute, removeSessionAttribute, setSessionAttribute
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.imapi.Logger
logDebugMessage, logErrorMessage, logInfoMessage, logWarningMessage
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.imapi.TaskInfo
addErrorObject, addMessageObject, addMessageObject, addStatusDetail, createRuntimeStatusDetail, getActionType, getAdminFriendlyName, getAdministrator, getAdminUniqueName, getAuthDirFriendlyName, getAuthDirUniqueName, getEnvironmentFriendlyName, getEnvironmentUniqueName, getObjectOrganization, getObjectOrganizationFriendlyName, getSessionCreateTime, getSessionId, getSiteMinderSessionId, getSiteMinderSessionSpec, getSiteMinderTransactionId, getSMHeader, getSubject, getSubjects, getTaskApplication, getTaskCategory, getTaskFriendlyName, getTaskUniqueName, getTSContext, getUserLocale, isAuditableTask, isWorkflowTask, sendAuditEvent
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.imapi.ServiceProvider
canUserAdministerGroup, convertLogicalToPhysical, convertPhysicalToLogical, decryptString, decryptString, doesSupportGroup, doesSupportOrganization, encryptString, encryptString, findAdminTask, getAllUsersAccessRoles, getGroupAdmins, getGroupMembers, getGroups, getGroupsAdminCanAdminister, getManagedObject, getManagedObjects, getManagedObjects, getOrg, getOrgMembers, getRootOrg, getSubOrgs, getTemporaryPassword, getTempPassword, isPasswordValid, isPasswordValid, isTopMostOrgWhichTaskIsBoundTo, validatePassword, validatePassword
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.imapi.ProviderAccessor
getAccessControlProvider, getAccessRoleProvider, getAccessTaskProvider, getAdminRoleProvider, getAdminTaskProvider, getAnalyticsEngineProvider, getEnvironmentSettingsProvider, getGroupProvider, getManagedObjectProvider, getOrganizationProvider, getProvisioningPolicyProvider, getProvisioningRoleProvider, getRelationshipProvider, getSecurityProvider, getSynchronizationProvider, getTabDefinitionProvider, getUserProvider

Method Detail


boolean isTaskReadOnly()
Determines whether the current task is read-only.

A read-only task cannot result in any changes to Identity Manager managed objects. For example, a Modify User task can result in changes to the User object, but a View User task cannot.

Specified by:
isTaskReadOnly in interface TaskInfo
true if the task is read-only, or false otherwise.


boolean isObjectBeingCreated()
                             throws java.lang.Exception
Determines whether an object is being created for the current task.

true if an object is being created, or false otherwise.


User getUser()
Retrieves the User object involved in the current task.

The User object involved in the current task, or null if none exists or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


Organization getOrg()
Retrieves the Organization object involved in the current task.

The Organization object involved in the current task, or null if none exists or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


Group getGroup()
Retrieves the Group object involved in the current task.

The Group object involved in the current task, or null if none exists or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


AdminRole getAdminRole()
Retrieves the AdminRole object involved in the current task.

The AdminRole object involved in the current task, or null if none exists or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


AccessRole getAccessRole()
Retrieves the AccessRole object involved in the current task.

The AccessRole object involved in the current task, or null if none exists or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


ProvisioningRole getProvisioningRole()
                                     throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves the ProvisioningRole object involved in the current task.

The ProvisioningRole object involved in the current task, or null if none exists or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


AdminTask getAdminTask()
Retrieves the AdminTask object that is the primary object (subject) of the current task.

Warning: this task overrides TaskInfo.getAdminTask() which returns the currently executing AdminTask. Use getTask() instead.

Specified by:
getAdminTask in interface TaskInfo
The AdminTask object involved in the current task, or null if none exists or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


AccessTask getAccessTask()
Retrieves the AccessTask object involved in the current task.

The AccessTask object involved in the current task, or null if none exists or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


java.util.Vector getDeletedOrgs()
                                throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves the Organization objects deleted in the current task.

The Organization objects deleted in the current task, or null if none was deleted or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


java.util.Vector getDeletedGroups()
                                  throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves the Group objects deleted in the current task.

The Group objects deleted in the current task, or null if none was deleted or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


java.util.Vector getDisabledUsers()
                                  throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves the User objects disabled in the current task.

The User objects disabled in the current task, or null if none was disabled or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


java.util.Vector getEnabledUsers()
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves the User objects enabled in the current task.

The User objects enabled in the current task, or null if none was enabled or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


java.util.Vector getDeletedUsers()
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves the User objects deleted in the current task.

The User objects deleted in the current task, or null if none was deleted or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


ResultsContainer getAdminRoleAdmins()
                                    throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves the administrators who are assigned to the admin role involved in the current task.

If the administrators are listed on multiple tabs of this assignment type, all the administrators are returned in a single ResultsContainer.

The administrators assigned to the role, or null if none exist or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


ResultsContainer getAccessRoleAdmins()
                                     throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves the administrators who are assigned to the access role involved in the current task.

If the administrators are listed on multiple tabs of this assignment type, all the administrators are returned in a single ResultsContainer.

The administrators assigned to the role, or null if none exist or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


ResultsContainer getProvisioningRoleAdmins()
                                           throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves the administrators who are assigned to the provisioning role involved in the current task.

If the administrators are listed on multiple tabs of this assignment type, all the administrators are returned in a single ResultsContainer.

The administrators assigned to the role, or null if none exist or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


ResultsContainer getAdminRoleMembers()
                                     throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves the members of the admin role involved in the current task.

If the members are listed on multiple tabs of this assignment type, all the members are returned in a single ResultsContainer.

The admin role members, or null if none exist or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


ResultsContainer getAccessRoleMembers()
                                      throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves the members of the access role involved in the current task.

If the members are listed on multiple tabs of this assignment type, all the members are returned in a single ResultsContainer.

The access role members, or null if none exist or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


ResultsContainer getProvisioningRoleMembers()
                                            throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves the members of the provisioning role involved in the current task.

If the members are listed on multiple tabs of this assignment type, all the members are returned in a single ResultsContainer.

The access role members, or null if none exist or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


ResultsContainer getUsersGrantableAdminRoles()
                                             throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves the admin roles that the user who is involved in the current task can grant.

If the admin roles are listed on multiple tabs of this assignment type, all the admin roles are returned in a single ResultsContainer.

The admin roles that the user can grant, or null if none exist or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.
IdentityMinder 6.0


ResultsContainer getUsersGrantableAccessRoles()
                                              throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves the access roles that the user who is involved in the current task can grant.

If the access roles are listed on multiple tabs of this assignment type, all the access roles are returned in a single ResultsContainer.

The access roles that the user can grant, or null if none exist or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


ResultsContainer getUsersGrantableProvisioningRoles()
                                                    throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves the provisioning roles that the user who is involved in the current task can grant.

If the provisioning roles are listed on multiple tabs of this assignment type, all the provisioning roles are returned in a single ResultsContainer.

The access roles that the user can grant, or null if none exist or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


ResultsContainer getUsersAssignedAdminRoles()
                                            throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves the admin roles that the user involved in the current task is being assigned to or removed from.

If the admin roles are listed on multiple tabs of this assignment type, all the admin roles are returned in a single ResultsContainer.

The admin roles affected by the task, or null if none exist or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.
IdentityMinder 6.0


ResultsContainer getUsersAssignedAccessRoles()
                                             throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves the access roles that the user involved in the current task is being assigned to or removed from.

If the access roles are listed on multiple tabs of this assignment type, all the access roles are returned in a single ResultsContainer.

The access roles affected by the task, or null if none exist or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


ResultsContainer getUsersAssignedProvisioningRoles()
                                                   throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves the provisioning roles that the user involved in the current task is being assigned to or removed from.

If the provisioning roles are listed on multiple tabs of this assignment type, all the provisioning roles are returned in a single ResultsContainer.

The provisioning roles affected by the task, or null if none exist or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


ResultsContainer getUsersGroups()
                                throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves the groups that the user involved in the current task is being assigned to or removed from.

If the groups are listed on multiple tabs of this assignment type, all the groups are returned in a single ResultsContainer.

The groups affected by the task, or null if none exist or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


ResultsContainer getGroupAdmins()
                                throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves the administrators who are being assigned privileges to manage the group involved in the current task, or whose privileges for managing the group are being revoked.

This method returns all admins of the group -- both users and other groups.

If the administrators are listed on multiple tabs of this assignment type, all the administrators are returned in a single ResultsContainer.

The administrators affected by the task, or null if none exist or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


ResultsContainer getGroupMembers()
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves the members being added to or removed from the group involved in the current task.

This method returns all members of the group -- both users and other groups.

If the members are listed on multiple tabs of this assignment type, all the members are returned in a single ResultsContainer.

The group members affected by the task, or null if none exist or if the administrator who is executing the task does not have privileges for this object.


java.util.Vector getTaskTabHandlers()
                                    throws java.lang.Exception
A Vector of TabHandler objects associated with the current task.
IdentityMinder 6.0


AdminTask getTask()
Return the currently executing AdminTask

currently executing AdminTask

CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


© 2011 CA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.