CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


Interface ExposedTaskContextInformation

All Superinterfaces:
IMContext, Logger, ProviderAccessor,, ServiceProvider, TaskInfo

public interface ExposedTaskContextInformation
extends IMContext

Contains a collection of context information about the current task, such as task name, organization name, and constituent events.

The methods in this interface are provided to the object _taskContextInformation. You can use this object to call ExposedTaskContextInformation methods from an Identity Manager email template.

The _taskContextInformation object is available to email messages based on Completed templates.

This interface inherits information about the task session from TaskInfo. The following TaskInfo methods are particularly useful to an email template:

For information on using the _taskContextInformation object in an email template, see the email chapter of the CA Identity Manager Operations Guide.

IdentityMinder 5.5

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getAdminAttribute(java.lang.String attribute, java.lang.String delimiter)
          Gets the value of a managed object attribute on the administrator.
 java.lang.String getAdminName()
          Deprecated. Deprecated in IdentityMinder 5.6 -- use getAdministrator or getAdminFriendlyName().
 java.util.Vector getExposedEventContexts()
          Retrieves a Vector of all events associated with the current task.
 java.lang.String getOrgName()
          Deprecated. Deprecated in IdentityMinder 5.6 -- use getObjectOrganizationFriendlyName().
 java.lang.String getTaskName()
          Deprecated. Deprecated in IdentityMinder 5.6 -- use getAdminTask() or getTaskFriendlyName().
 java.lang.String getTaskSubjectAttribute(java.lang.String attribute, java.lang.String delimiter)
          Gets the value of a managed object attribute on the task subject.
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.imapi.IMContext
getAuxDataRoot, getLocalizer, getLocalizer, getSessionAttribute, removeSessionAttribute, setSessionAttribute
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.imapi.Logger
logDebugMessage, logErrorMessage, logInfoMessage, logWarningMessage
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.imapi.TaskInfo
addErrorObject, addMessageObject, addMessageObject, addStatusDetail, createRuntimeStatusDetail, getActionType, getAdminFriendlyName, getAdministrator, getAdminTask, getAdminUniqueName, getAuthDirFriendlyName, getAuthDirUniqueName, getEnvironmentFriendlyName, getEnvironmentUniqueName, getObjectOrganization, getObjectOrganizationFriendlyName, getSessionCreateTime, getSessionId, getSiteMinderSessionId, getSiteMinderSessionSpec, getSiteMinderTransactionId, getSMHeader, getSubject, getSubjects, getTaskApplication, getTaskCategory, getTaskFriendlyName, getTaskUniqueName, getTSContext, getUserLocale, isAuditableTask, isTaskReadOnly, isWorkflowTask, sendAuditEvent
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.imapi.ServiceProvider
canUserAdministerGroup, convertLogicalToPhysical, convertPhysicalToLogical, decryptString, decryptString, doesSupportGroup, doesSupportOrganization, encryptString, encryptString, findAdminTask, getAllUsersAccessRoles, getGroupAdmins, getGroupMembers, getGroups, getGroupsAdminCanAdminister, getManagedObject, getManagedObjects, getManagedObjects, getOrg, getOrgMembers, getRootOrg, getSubOrgs, getTemporaryPassword, getTempPassword, isPasswordValid, isPasswordValid, isTopMostOrgWhichTaskIsBoundTo, validatePassword, validatePassword
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.imapi.ProviderAccessor
getAccessControlProvider, getAccessRoleProvider, getAccessTaskProvider, getAdminRoleProvider, getAdminTaskProvider, getAnalyticsEngineProvider, getEnvironmentSettingsProvider, getGroupProvider, getManagedObjectProvider, getOrganizationProvider, getProvisioningPolicyProvider, getProvisioningRoleProvider, getRelationshipProvider, getSecurityProvider, getSynchronizationProvider, getTabDefinitionProvider, getUserProvider

Method Detail


java.util.Vector getExposedEventContexts()
Retrieves a Vector of all events associated with the current task. Each object in the Vector is an ExposedEventContextInformation object.

Context objects for each event associated with the current task.


java.lang.String getOrgName()
Deprecated. Deprecated in IdentityMinder 5.6 -- use getObjectOrganizationFriendlyName().

Retrieves the friendly name of the organization where the task is being executed.

The name of the organization where the task is being executed.


java.lang.String getTaskName()
Deprecated. Deprecated in IdentityMinder 5.6 -- use getAdminTask() or getTaskFriendlyName().

Retrieves the friendly name of the current task.

The name of the current task.


java.lang.String getAdminName()
Deprecated. Deprecated in IdentityMinder 5.6 -- use getAdministrator or getAdminFriendlyName().

Retrieves the friendly name of the administrator who is performing the current task.

The name of the administrator who is performing the current task.


java.lang.String getTaskSubjectAttribute(java.lang.String attribute,
                                         java.lang.String delimiter)
                                         throws java.lang.Exception
Gets the value of a managed object attribute on the task subject. Loads the attribute if it isn't already present on the object

attribute - attribute name
delimiter - string to place in between values if the attribute is multi-valued
attribute value


java.lang.String getAdminAttribute(java.lang.String attribute,
                                   java.lang.String delimiter)
                                   throws java.lang.Exception
Gets the value of a managed object attribute on the administrator. Loads the attribute if it isn't already present on the object

attribute - attribute name
delimiter - string to place in between values if the attribute is multi-valued
attribute value

CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


© 2011 CA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.