CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


Interface LogicalAttributeContext

All Superinterfaces:
IMContext, Logger, ProviderAccessor,, ServiceProvider, TaskInfo

public interface LogicalAttributeContext
extends IMContext

Provides read and write access to the logical attribute(s) and any associated physical attributes for a particular logical attribute scheme.

This interface also provides access to IMContext information about the current task, to ProviderAccessor methods for direct access to the managed objects in the data store, and to logging methods and other Identity Manager services.

Identity Manager passes LogicalAttributeContext into each method it calls in LogicalAttributeAdapter.

There are two types of names associated with logical and physical attributes. Both are defined in the Identity Manager Management Console, through the following fields on the Logical Attribute Handler Properties screen:

IdentityMinder 5.6

Method Summary
 java.util.Vector getLogicalAttributeMultiValue(java.lang.String logicalAttributeName)
          Retrieves a Vector of all the values in a multi-value logical attribute.
 java.lang.String getLogicalAttributeName(java.lang.String propertyName)
          Retrieves the logical attribute name that corresponds to the specified logical attribute ID.
 java.util.Enumeration getLogicalAttributeNames()
          Retrieves the names of all the logical attributes associated with the current task.
 java.lang.String getLogicalAttributeValue(java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves the value of the specified logical attribute.
 java.util.Vector getPhysicalAttributeMultiValue(java.lang.String physicalName)
          Retrieves a Vector of all the values in a multi-value physical attribute.
 java.lang.String getPhysicalAttributeName(java.lang.String propertyName)
          Retrieves the physical attribute name that corresponds to the specified physical attribute ID.
 java.util.Enumeration getPhysicalAttributesNames()
          Retrieves the names of all the physical attributes associated with the current task.
 java.lang.String getPhysicalAttributeValue(java.lang.String attributeName)
          Retrieves the value of the specified physical attribute.
 boolean isLogicalAttributeMultiValue(java.lang.String logicalAttributeName)
          Determines whether the specified logical attribute is a multi-value attribute or a single-value attribute.
 boolean isPhysicalAttributeMultiValue(java.lang.String physicalAttributeName)
          Determines whether the specified physical attribute is a multi-value attribute or a single-value attribute.
 void setLogicalAttributeMultiValue(java.lang.String logicalAttributeName, java.util.Vector values)
          Assigns multiple values to the specified logical attribute.
 void setLogicalAttributeValue(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String attributeValue)
          Assigns a value to the specified logical attribute.
 void setPhysicalAttributeMultiValue(java.lang.String physicalAttributeName, java.util.Vector values)
          Assigns multiple values to the specified physical attribute.
 void setPhysicalAttributeValue(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String attributeValue)
          Assigns a value to the specified physical attribute.
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.imapi.IMContext
getAuxDataRoot, getLocalizer, getLocalizer, getSessionAttribute, removeSessionAttribute, setSessionAttribute
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.imapi.Logger
logDebugMessage, logErrorMessage, logInfoMessage, logWarningMessage
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.imapi.TaskInfo
addErrorObject, addMessageObject, addMessageObject, addStatusDetail, createRuntimeStatusDetail, getActionType, getAdminFriendlyName, getAdministrator, getAdminTask, getAdminUniqueName, getAuthDirFriendlyName, getAuthDirUniqueName, getEnvironmentFriendlyName, getEnvironmentUniqueName, getObjectOrganization, getObjectOrganizationFriendlyName, getSessionCreateTime, getSessionId, getSiteMinderSessionId, getSiteMinderSessionSpec, getSiteMinderTransactionId, getSMHeader, getSubject, getSubjects, getTaskApplication, getTaskCategory, getTaskFriendlyName, getTaskUniqueName, getTSContext, getUserLocale, isAuditableTask, isTaskReadOnly, isWorkflowTask, sendAuditEvent
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.imapi.ServiceProvider
canUserAdministerGroup, convertLogicalToPhysical, convertPhysicalToLogical, decryptString, decryptString, doesSupportGroup, doesSupportOrganization, encryptString, encryptString, findAdminTask, getAllUsersAccessRoles, getGroupAdmins, getGroupMembers, getGroups, getGroupsAdminCanAdminister, getManagedObject, getManagedObjects, getManagedObjects, getOrg, getOrgMembers, getRootOrg, getSubOrgs, getTemporaryPassword, getTempPassword, isPasswordValid, isPasswordValid, isTopMostOrgWhichTaskIsBoundTo, validatePassword, validatePassword
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.imapi.ProviderAccessor
getAccessControlProvider, getAccessRoleProvider, getAccessTaskProvider, getAdminRoleProvider, getAdminTaskProvider, getAnalyticsEngineProvider, getEnvironmentSettingsProvider, getGroupProvider, getManagedObjectProvider, getOrganizationProvider, getProvisioningPolicyProvider, getProvisioningRoleProvider, getRelationshipProvider, getSecurityProvider, getSynchronizationProvider, getTabDefinitionProvider, getUserProvider

Method Detail


java.lang.String getLogicalAttributeValue(java.lang.String attributeName)
Retrieves the value of the specified logical attribute. If the attribute is a multi-value attribute, only the first value is retrieved.

attributeName - The name of the logical attribute whose value is being retrieved.
The logical attribute value.


java.lang.String getPhysicalAttributeValue(java.lang.String attributeName)
Retrieves the value of the specified physical attribute. If the attribute is a multi-value attribute, only the first value is retrieved.

attributeName - The name of the physical attribute whose value is being retrieved.
The physical attribute value.


void setLogicalAttributeValue(java.lang.String attributeName,
                              java.lang.String attributeValue)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Assigns a value to the specified logical attribute.

attributeName - The logical attribute being assigned a value.
attributeValue - The value to assign to the logical attribute.


void setPhysicalAttributeValue(java.lang.String attributeName,
                               java.lang.String attributeValue)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
Assigns a value to the specified physical attribute.

attributeName - The physical attribute being assigned a value.
attributeValue - The value to assign to the physical attribute.


java.util.Vector getLogicalAttributeMultiValue(java.lang.String logicalAttributeName)
Retrieves a Vector of all the values in a multi-value logical attribute. If only one value is defined, the value is returned in a Vector of one.

logicalAttributeName - The name of the multi-value logical attribute whose values are being retrieved.
The values in the multi-value logical attribute.


java.util.Vector getPhysicalAttributeMultiValue(java.lang.String physicalName)
Retrieves a Vector of all the values in a multi-value physical attribute. If only one value is defined, the value is returned in a Vector of one.

physicalName - The name of the multi-value physical attribute whose values are being retrieved.
The values in the multi-value physical attribute.


void setPhysicalAttributeMultiValue(java.lang.String physicalAttributeName,
                                    java.util.Vector values)
                                    throws java.lang.Exception
Assigns multiple values to the specified physical attribute.

physicalAttributeName - The name of the physical attribute to which multiple values are being assigned.
values - The values being assigned to the physical attribute.


void setLogicalAttributeMultiValue(java.lang.String logicalAttributeName,
                                   java.util.Vector values)
                                   throws java.lang.Exception
Assigns multiple values to the specified logical attribute.

logicalAttributeName - The name of the logical attribute to which multiple values are being assigned.
values - The values being assigned to the logical attribute.


boolean isLogicalAttributeMultiValue(java.lang.String logicalAttributeName)
Determines whether the specified logical attribute is a multi-value attribute or a single-value attribute.

logicalAttributeName - The logical attribute in question.
true if the attribute is a multi-value attribute, or false if it is a single-value attribute.


boolean isPhysicalAttributeMultiValue(java.lang.String physicalAttributeName)
Determines whether the specified physical attribute is a multi-value attribute or a single-value attribute.

physicalAttributeName - The physical attribute in question.
true if the attribute is a multi-value attribute, or false if it is a single-value attribute.


java.lang.String getLogicalAttributeName(java.lang.String propertyName)
Retrieves the logical attribute name that corresponds to the specified logical attribute ID.

You pass the retrieved attribute name into LogicalAttributeContext methods that set or retrieve logical attribute values.

propertyName - The attribute ID as defined in the Name field of the Logical Attribute Properties dialog box of the Identity Manager Management Console.
The logical attribute name.


java.lang.String getPhysicalAttributeName(java.lang.String propertyName)
Retrieves the physical attribute name that corresponds to the specified physical attribute ID.

You pass the retrieved attribute name into LogicalAttributeContext methods that set or retrieve physical attribute values.

propertyName - The attribute ID as defined in the Name field of the Logical Attribute Properties dialog box of the Identity Manager Management Console.
The physical attribute name.


java.util.Enumeration getLogicalAttributeNames()
Retrieves the names of all the logical attributes associated with the current task.

The logical attribute names.


java.util.Enumeration getPhysicalAttributesNames()
Retrieves the names of all the physical attributes associated with the current task.

The physical attribute names.

CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


© 2011 CA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.