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Update the User Profile

Important! If Harvest and Service Desk are installed on the same UNIX server, perform this step. However, if Harvest and Service Desk are installed on two different UNIX servers, perform these steps on the Harvest-UNIX server only.

To update the user profile (.profile file)

  1. Add the following lines to the user profile (.profile file) where the Harvest broker is running:

    Note: If Harvest and Service Desk are running on the same server and the Harvest broker is running in root, then skip this step.

    SD_CL_CNCTR_HOME=<complete path name of the CMI directory>
    Add $SD_CL_CNCTR_HOME/bin to the PATH environment variable

    For example, if you installed CMI_UNIX.tar to the /home directory, add the following lines to the system profile:

  2. Ensure that system profile is executed. If you use su, run .profile explicitly as follows:
     . ~/.profile