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Step 1: How to Install and Configure the Files

Perform the following to install and configure the connector's files:

  1. Extract the connector's files.
  2. On the Service Desk-UNIX server, update the system profile (/etc/profile).
  3. On the Service Desk-UNIX server, set the environment variables.
  4. On the Service Desk-UNIX server, restart the Service Desk daemons.
  5. On the Harvest-UNIX server, update the user profile (.profile file).
  6. On the Harvest-UNIX server, restart the Harvest broker.
  7. Delete the hid.dfo file.
  8. Use hcrypt to create the connector's key file.
  9. Use the hidmgr utility to add entries for Harvest and Service Desk to the key file.
  10. Customize the bso.xml file.