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Federation Security Services Guide

This section contains the following topics:

Federation Security Services Overview

Deploy Federation Using the Sample Application

Deploy Federation Using a Manual Configuration

Overview of a SiteMinder Federation Setup

Setup the SAML 1.x Assertion Generator File

Review the JVMOptions File Which Creates a JVM

Storing User Session, Assertion, and Expiry Data

Grant Access to Federation Web Services

Signing and Encrypting Messages to Secure Federated Transactions

Securing a Federated Environment

Creating Affiliate Domains

Configure SiteMinder as a SAML 1.x Producer

Configure SiteMinder as a SAML 1.x Consumer

Configure SiteMinder as a SAML 2.0 Identity Provider

Configure SAML 2.0 Affiliations At the Identity Provider

Configure SiteMinder as a SAML 2.0 Service Provider

Authorize Users with Attributes from an Assertion Query

Configure SiteMinder as an Account Partner

Configure SiteMinder as a Resource Partner

Use SAML 2.0 Provider Metadata To Simplify Configuration

Federation Security Services Trace Logging

Configuration Settings that Must Use the Same Values

Federation Web Services URLs Used by SiteMinder


Federation Security Services Process Flow