Previous Topic: SAML 1.x Assertion Generator Properties FileNext Topic: Storing User Session, Assertion, and Expiry Data

Configure the SAML 1.x File

To configure the file

  1. Go to the following location: policy_server_home/config/properties.
  2. Open the file in a text editor.
  3. Modify the following parameters:

    Specifies the URL that identifies the site issuing the assertion.

    This URL must be the same value as the Issuer field that you complete for a SAML authentication scheme.

    Note: Set this value properly so that SAML 1.x assertions are meaningful.


    Identifies the domain of the producer, such as


    Specifies for the SAML 1.x artifact profile only, a unique ID in the artifact that identifies the producer. For more information, see the SAML specification at the OASIS website.

The values you enter in this file must match the values for the equivalent settings at the consumer site. The settings must match whether the consumer is a SAML Affiliate Agent or a 1.x consumer.

Note: If you update the file, the Policy Server does not pick the changes until it is restarted.

Review the JVMOptions File Which Creates a JVM

The JVMOptions.txt File

The JVMOptions.txt file contains the settings that the Policy Server uses when creating the Java virtual machine that is used to support Federation Web Services. SAML 1.x, SAML 2.0, and WS‑Federation use this file.

During a Policy Server upgrade, the existing JVMOptions.txt file is renamed to JVMOptions.txt.backup. A new JVMOptions.txt file is created.

If the original file included customized parameters, be sure to modify the newly created file to include these customized parameters.

The installed location of this file is:


Important! If you update the JVMOptions.txt file, restart the Policy Server for the changes to take effect.
