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Deploy Federation Using the Sample Application

This section contains the following topics:

Legacy Federation Sample Application Overview

Legacy Sample Application Deployment

Sample Application Components

Prerequisites to Deploy the Sample Application

How To Run the Sample Application

Test Single Sign-on with the Sample Application

Test Single Logout with the Sample Application

Review Application-Generated SiteMinder Objects

Legacy Federation Sample Application Overview

To become familiar with SiteMinder Federation Security Services, deploy the legacy federation sample application. The sample application automates all the federation setup tasks to accomplish SAML 2.0 single sign-on and single logout. After you run the sample application, look at the SiteMinder policy objects that the sample application creates. Also, examine the SiteMinder logs containing assertions. Finally, use the sample application objects as a basis for configuring your own federation environment.

Note: The Federation Security Services sample application only creates SAML 2.0 objects.

Legacy Sample Application Deployment

The sample websites in the SiteMinder federated network are an Identity Provider named idp.demo, and a Service Provider named sp.demo. A business partnership is established between idp.demo and sp.demo.

You can deploy the sample application in many ways. We recommend one of two ways:

The following illustration shows two deployments of the sample application.

Figure shoing how legacy sample application can be deployed

Sample Application Components

The legacy sample application contains the following components:


The FederationSample.conf file contains configuration settings that define the IdP and SP-side policy objects. Perl script

The Perl script executes the federation sample application. This script creates the objects for the IdP and SP sites. The script also creates the necessary web pages to initiate single sign-on and single logout between the IdP and the SP. The script relies on the information in the FederationSample.conf file to operate.

Use the Perl interpreter included with the sample application to run the application.

Web pages to test single sign-on and single logout

The sample application installs two directories that contain template pages for testing SAML 2.0 single sign-on and single logout transactions. The directories, idpsample and the spsample, are installed in the directory siteminder_home/siteminder/samples/federation/content.

These directories are also copied to the default document root directory of the web server.

Prerequisites to Deploy the Sample Application

Before you run the sample application, satisfy the following requirements.

Deployment requirements (SiteMinder r12.0 SP3 components recommended):

On the Policy Server system:

On the web agent system:

Note: If your deployment uses only one system, install all components on that one system. If your deployment has more than one Policy Server and more than one Web Agent, complete the prerequisites on all relevant systems.

Verify that the Policy Server and Web Agent are configured properly and that you can protect a resource.

Important! Core SiteMinder must function properly to run the sample application successfully.