Previous Topic: Deploy Federation Using the Sample ApplicationNext Topic: Configure a Web Agent in the FSS Administrative UI

How To Run the Sample Application

After you complete the necessary prerequisites, set up your environment to run the sample application.

On the Policy Server system

  1. Set your command line path.
  2. From the FSS Administrative UI, configure a web agent and name it agent.
  3. Modify the FederationSample.conf file for your environment.
  4. Run the Perl script to run the sample application.

On the Web Agent system

  1. Copy the idpsample and spsample directories to the Web Agent system.
  2. Add a virtual directory for the idpsample and spsample directories on the Web Agent system.
  3. Edit the host file on the Web Agent system and any other system from where you plan to access the application from a browser.

After your setup is complete on all systems, test single sign-on and single logout.

Set the Path Variable on the Policy Server System

On the system where the Policy Server resides, set the path variable. You can set the Path as a command line path, which affects only the local command prompt.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open a command window.
  2. Enter the following command:

    set path=%NETE_PS_ROOT%\cli\bin;%NETE_PS_ROOT%\cli\lib;%path%

    Important! Verify that the Perl binary bundled with the Policy Server is the first or only such binary in the PATH. Invoke the bundled Perl binary, not another Perl script.

Note: You can also set the Path in the system environment variable.