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Policy Server Configuration Wizard

Use the Policy Server Configuration wizard to configure or reconfigure the following components after installing the Policy Server:

Note: You cannot change the Policy Server FIPS–mode of operation using the Policy Server Configuration Wizard. For more information about changing the Policy Server FIPS–mode of operation, see the SiteMinder Upgrade Guide.

Important! If you configured an Oracle iPlanet web server instance for the OneView Monitor UI or SNMP, do not use the wizard to configure new instances. Configuring new web server instances can cause the existing web server instance to fail.

More information:

Policy Store Considerations

How to use the Configuration Wizard

Complete the following procedures to use the Policy Server Configuration wizard:

  1. Review the configuration wizard requirements.
  2. Review the policy store considerations.
  3. If you are configuring the OneView Monitor UI or one of the following stores as a policy store, gather information for the wizard:
  4. Run the wizard.
Configuration Wizard Requirements

Meet the following requirements before using the Policy Server Configuration wizard:

Run the Configuration Wizard in GUI Mode

You run the Policy Server Configuration wizard to configure individual Policy Server components.

Follow these steps:

  1. Exit all running applications.
  2. Execute the following script in a ksh shell from the SiteMinder installation directory:
    . ./ca_ps_env.ksh

    Note: Be sure that there is a space between the periods (. .).

  3. Open a shell and run the following command:
    ./ca-ps-config.bin gui

    The Configuration wizard starts.

  4. Use the system and component information you have gathered to configure a policy store and individual components.

    Note: Only initialize the policy store instance to configure a new policy store instance.

  5. Review the installation settings and click Install.

    The wizard configures the selected components to work with the Policy Server.

    Note: The installation can take several minutes.

  6. Click Done.

    The selected components are configured.

Note: If you experience problems, you can locate the installation log file and the policy store details file in siteminder_home/siteminder/install_config_info.

More information:

Troubleshoot the Policy Server Installation

Run the Configuration Wizard in Console Mode

You run the Policy Server Configuration wizard to configure individual Policy Server components.

Follow these steps:

  1. Exit all running applications.
  2. Execute the following script in a ksh shell from the SiteMinder installation directory:
    . ./ca_ps_env.ksh

    Note: Be sure that there is a space between the periods (. .).

  3. Open a shell and run the following command:
    ./ca-ps-config.bin -i console

    The Configuration wizard starts.

  4. Use the system and component information you have gathered to configure a policy store and individual components.

    Note: Only initialize the policy store instance to configure a new policy store instance.

  5. Review the installation settings and click Enter.

    The wizard configures the selected components to work with the Policy Server.

    Note: The installation can take several minutes.

  6. Press Enter

    The installer closes. The selected components are configured.

Note: If you experience problems, you can locate the installation log file and the policy store details file in siteminder_home/siteminder/install_config_info.

More information:

Troubleshoot the Policy Server Installation