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Configure Auto Startup

You configure auto startup to ensure that the Policy Server restarts automatically when the Solaris system is rebooted.

Follow these steps:

  1. Modify the S98M script by replacing every instance of the string “nete_ps_root” with an explicit path to the SiteMinder installation directory.

    Example: /export/ca/siteminder

  2. Change the directory to the siteminder installation directory.
  3. Enter su and press ENTER.

    Note: Do not use the suse command.

    You are prompted for a password.

  4. Enter the root password and press ENTER.
  5. Enter $ cp S98sm /etc/rc2.d and press ENTER.

    s98sm automatically calls the stop-all and start-all executables, which stop and start the Policy Server service when the Solaris system is rebooted.

Note: If you are using a local LDAP directory server as a policy store, you must configure the LDAP directory to start automatically before starting the Policy Server automatically.

Unattended Policy Server Installation

After the Policy Server is manually installed on one machine, you can reinstall it or install it on a separate machine using an unattended installation mode. An unattended installation lets you install or uninstall the Policy Server without any user interaction.

The installer provides a template file that lets you define installation variables. The default parameters, passwords, and paths in this file reflect the information you entered during the initial Policy Server installation. In this file, you can either store encrypted or plain text passwords. If you are using encrypted passwords, for example, a shared secret and SiteMinder Super User, you must use the same ones that you entered during the initial installation since they are encrypted in the file and cannot be modified. However, you can use plain text passwords by modifying the file.

More information:

How to Run an Unattended Policy Server Install