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Policy Server Configuration Wizard

Use the Policy Server Configuration wizard to configure or reconfigure the following components after installing the Policy Server:

Note: You cannot change the Policy Server FIPS–mode of operation using the Policy Server Configuration Wizard. For more information about changing the Policy Server FIPS–mode of operation, see the SiteMinder Upgrade Guide.

Important! If you configured an Oracle iPlanet web server instance for the OneView Monitor UI or SNMP, do not use the wizard to configure new instances. Configuring new web server instances can cause the existing web server instance to fail.

More information:

Policy Store Considerations

How to Use the Configuration Wizard

Complete the following procedures to use the Policy Server Configuration wizard:

  1. Review the policy store considerations.
  2. If you are configuring the OneView Monitor UI or one of the following stores as a policy store, gather information for the wizard:
  3. Run the wizard.
Gather Information for the Configuration Wizard

The Policy Server Configuration Wizard requires specific information to configure Policy Server components.

Note: Installation worksheets are provided to help you gather and record information prior to installing or configuring Policy Server components using the Policy Server Installation Wizard or the Policy Server Configuration Wizard. You may want to print these worksheets and use them to record required information prior to running either wizard.

Active Directory LDS Server Information

Gather the following required information to configure Microsoft Active Directory LDS as a policy store:

Oracle Directory Server Information

Gather the following required information to configure Oracle Directory Server to function as a policy store:

More information:

Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition Information Worksheet

Microsoft SQL Server Information

To configure Microsoft SQL Server as a policy store, gather the following required information:

Database server name

Identify the IP address or name of the database host system.

Note: For more information about IPv6 support, see the SiteMinder Platform Support Matrix.

Database name

Identify the named instance or the name of the database that is to function as the policy store.

Database port

Identify the port on which the database is listening.

Database administrator user name and password

Identify the name and password of an administrator account with permission to do the following operations:

Note: If the SiteMinder schema is already present in the database, the wizard does not require the credentials of a database administrator with create permission. For more information, see Configure a SQL Server Policy Store.

SiteMinder superuser password

The default SiteMinder superuser account has maximum permissions. Determine the password for the default superuser account. The name of the default account is:



Note: We recommend that you do not use the default superuser for day-to-day operations. Rather, use the default superuser to access the Administrative UI for the first–time and then create an administrator with superuser permissions.

More information:

SQL Server Information Worksheet

Oracle RDBMS Information

Gather the following required information to configure Oracle RDBMS as a policy store.

Database server name

Identify the IP address or the name of the database host system.

Note: For more information about IPv6 support, see the SiteMinder Platform Support Matrix.

Database service name

Identify the service name of the database that is to function as the policy store.

Database port

Identify the port on which the database is listening.

Database administrator user name

Identify the name of an administrator account with permission to do the following operations:

Database administrator password

Identify the password of the administrator account.

SiteMinder superuser password

The default SiteMinder superuser account has maximum permissions. Determine the password for the default superuser account. The name of the default account is:



Note: We recommend that you do not use the default superuser for day-to-day operations. Rather, use the default superuser to access the Administrative UI for the first–time and then create an administrator with superuser permissions.

More information:

Oracle RDBMS Worksheet

OneView Monitor Information

You only have to gather OneView Monitor information if you plan on configuring the OneView Monitor.

Gather the following required information to configure the OneView Monitor. You can use the OneView Monitor Information Worksheet to record your values.

More information:

OneView Monitor Information Worksheet

Run the Configuration Wizard

To run the configuration wizard

  1. Exit all applications that are running.
  2. Navigate to siteminder_home\siteminder\install_config_info and double-click ca-ps-config.exe.

    The Policy Server configuration wizard starts.


    Specifies the Policy Server installation path.

    Important! If you are running this wizard on Windows Server 2008, run the executable file with administrator permissions. Use these permissions even if you are logged in to the system as an administrator. For more information, see the release notes for your SiteMinder component.

  3. Use the system and component information you have gathered to configure a policy store and individual components.

    Note: When prompted to initialize the LDAP instance do so only to configure a new policy store instance.

  4. Review the installation settings and click Install.

    The wizard configures the selected components to work with the Policy Server.

    Note: This can take several minutes.

  5. Click Done and reboot the system.

    The components you selected are configured.

Note: If you experience problems, you can locate the Policy Server installation log file and the policy store details file in siteminder_home\siteminder\install_config_info.


Specifies the Policy Server installation path.

More information:

Troubleshoot the Policy Server Installation