Complete the following procedures to uninstall the Policy Server:
Note: More information on shutting down the Policy Server Management Console exists in the Policy Administration Guide.
You remove the Policy Server reference from the SmHost.conf file to prevent unexpected results from the Web Agent once the Policy Server is uninstalled.
To remove the Policy Server reference
Specifies the installation directory of the Web Agent.
Note: This line contains the IP address and port numbers for the Policy Server you are uninstalling.
The SmHost.conf file no longer references the Policy Server you are uninstalling.
You set the JRE in the PATH variable when uninstalling the Policy Server, Web Agent, SDK, or documentation to prevent the uninstallation program from stopping and issuing error messages.
To set the JRE in the PATH variable
Specifies the location of the JRE.
export PATH
The JRE is set in the PATH variable.
You stop all SiteMinder processes to ensure that Policy Server files are safely removed.
To stop all SiteMinder processes
All SiteMinder processes stop.
You uninstall the Policy Server when it is no longer required on the system.
Note:Do not manually remove the installation directories to uninstall this component. Execute the uninstall shell script. If you only remove the installation directories, related registries can be left behind. If you try to re–install this component on this host system, the entries can prevent a successful installation.
Follow these steps:
Note: The user who installed the Policy Server should have the required SiteMinder scripts sourced. If the SiteMinder scripts are not sourced at login, or you logged in as another user, source the following scripts:
smprofile.ksh ca_ps_env.ksh
Specifies the Policy Server installation path.
The uninstallation program appears.
A status indicator displays progress.
Example: If the SiteMinder installation directory is /export/smuser/ca/siteminder, go to:
$ rm -rf siteminder
The SiteMinder installation directory is removed.
The Policy Server is uninstalled.
You manually remove SiteMinder references from IWS after uninstalling the Policy Server. SiteMinder references are left in the obj.conf file and the magnus.conf file.
To remove SiteMinder references from IWS
The obj.conf and magnus.conf files appear in the config folder.
NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/servlet/*" name="<ServletExec_instance name>" NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="*.jsp*" name="<ServletExec_instance name>" NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/sitemindermonitor" dir="/<siteminder_installation>/monitor" NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/sitemindercgi" dir="/<siteminder_installation>/admin" name="cgi" NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/siteminder" dir="/<siteminder_installation>/admin" NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/netegrity_docs" dir="/netegrity/netegrity_documents" <Object name="<ServletExec_instance name>"> Service fn="ServletExecService" group="<ServletExec_instance name>" </Object>
Init fn="init-cgi" SM_ADM_UDP_PORT="44444" SM_ADM_TCP_PORT="44444" Init fn="load-modules" shlib="/<Servlet_Exec_Install>/bin/" funcs="ServletExecInit,ServletExecService" Init fn="ServletExecInit" <ServletExec_instance name>.instances="<IP_Address>:<port_number>"
SiteMinder references are removed from IWS.
The SiteMinder references no longer appear in IWS.
To remove references from StartServletExec
CLASSPATH=${NA_LIB}/servlet-api.jar:${NA_LIB}/jsp- api.jar:${NA_LIB}/ServletExec60.jar:${NA_LIB}/ServletExecAdmin.jar:${NA_LIB}/el- api.jar:${NA_LIB}/jasper-el.jar:${JL}/tools.jar:${NA_LIB}/jstl.jar:${NA_LIB}/appserv- jstl.jar:${NA_LIB}/activation.jar:${NA_LIB}/mail.jar:${HOMEDIRPATH}/classes:/siteminder_home/monitor/ smmonui.jar:/siteminder_home/lib/smconapi.jar:/siteminder_home/lib/smmonclientapi.jar $SENAME $HOMEDIR $MIMEFILE $DOCROOTDIR -allow -port $PORT $SEOPTS" $SENAME $HOMEDIR $MIMEFILE $DOCROOTDIR -allow -port $PORT $SEOPTS -addl "/sitemindermonitor=/siteminder_home/monitor""
Specifies the Policy Server installation path.
The uninstallation is complete.
The com.zerog.registry.xml file is left on the system after you uninstall the Policy Server. Remove this file.
You can locate this file at one of the following:
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