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This section contains the following topics:

Unable to Start Apache on UNIX systems

DNS Caching in the SPS

No Root Permissions

Cannot Start the SPS Server

Cannot Access the SPS with a Browser

Unknown Server Name

Issues Configuring Virtual Hosts

Command not found Error Received

SPS Not Forwarding Requests

SPS and SharePoint

Unable to Start Apache on UNIX systems


When running the SPS on a UNIX system, the Apache server fails to start. In the Apache log file, the following error message appears:

Invalid argument: setgid: unable to set group id to ...


This error occurs when the group for the Run-As-User on UNIX systems does not correspond to the group specified in the Apache configuration file (httpd.conf). If you see this error, edit the Group directive in the Apache httpd.conf file.

To edit the Group directive

  1. Remove the comment sign (#) before the Group directive
  2. Specify the group to which the Run-As-User belongs.
  3. Run the SPS startup command again (sps-ctl start or startssl).