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Open Schema Designer on WSP

To start working on the Schema Designer, ensure that you have WSP installed on the CA SDM server. For more information about the WSP installation, see the Implementation Guide.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the following CA SDM server where WSP is installed, depending on your CA SDM configuration:
  2. Start WSP using any of the following actions, depending on the operating system that is installed on the CA SDM server:

    The Web Screen Painter login window opens.

  3. Enter your login credentials.
  4. Select Tools, Schema Designer.

    The Schema Designer window opens. The left side of the Schema Designer window shows the CA SDM database in a tree format. The tables and columns are displayed by their Object Name. If the Display Name differs from the Object Name of the table or column, the Display Name is displayed in parentheses along with the Object Name.