Use the Schema Designer to add a table in the database.
Follow these steps:
The Add New Table dialog opens.
WSP adds a z to the beginning of the table name if you do not add.
(Read-only) Specifies the object name of the table. For example, the object name of the cr table is cr.
Specifies the user-friendly name of the table. For example, the Display Name of the cr table is Request. You can change the Display Name of a table by entering a new name in this field.
(Read-only for standard tables) Specifies the name used to refer to the table in CA SDM utilities, such as pdm_userload. For site-defined tables, Schema Name defaults to the Object Name. You can change the Schema Name by entering a new value in this field.
Specifies the name used to refer to the table in the physical DBMS. This field is read-only for all tables. For site-defined tables, it is always the same as Schema Name.
Specifies the column displayed on the UI for a field that references this table. For example, the assignee field of a request is a reference to the Contact table. Because the common name of the Contact table is combo_name (last, first middle), the combo name of the referenced contact displays as assignee. You cannot change the value of common name.
Specifies the column stored in the database for a field that references this table. For example, the assignee field of a request is a reference to the Contact table. Because the rel attr of the Contact table is id, the assignee column in a Request contains the id of the referenced contact. You cannot change the value of rel attr.
Specifies the name of the group that controls the level of access that users have to records in this table. Each access type of a contact specifies whether they have read, modify, or no access to data in tables in each function group. You can change the value of rel attr by selecting a new value from the drop-down list.
Important! The Schema Designer includes an Advanced tab. Information on this tab is intended for CA Technologies Support and field representatives. You will not need to work with this tab for most uses of the Schema Designer, and it will not be discussed further in this document.
This selection saves your changes in the database, and creates a file (wsptest.mods) on the server defining your changes to the Object Engine. This file is stored in the site/mods/majic subdirectory of your CA SDM installation directory. After creating the wsptest.mods file, WSP causes its Object Engine to recycle so that it will use the new changes. This may take from a few seconds to a couple of minutes, depending on the complexity of your schema.
A message is prompted. Click Yes to continue. The wsptest.mods file affects only the Object Engine designated by the wsp_domsrvr option. Other Object Engines on the same server do not process this file, and the file is not distributed to other servers. In addition, new tables and columns in Test mode are defined to the Object Engine as local objects. This means that the Object Engine knows about them and you can use them on web forms. However, they do not exist in the database, and do not affect other users. Typical CA SDM users do not use WSP Object Engine, so they are unaffected by the schema modifications you are testing.
The table is added.
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