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Run Enhanced System Discovery

The enhanced system discovery method enables you to define credentials and SNMP settings of the system where you run discovery.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Resources, Manage, Discover System.
  2. Select System in the Discovery Type drop-down list.
  3. Specify the server name or IP address in the System Name field.
  4. (Optional) Using the Add to Service list, add the discovered system to a service and click Next.

    The Enhanced Discovery and SNMP Information page appears.

  5. (Optional) Select Enhanced Discovery or Override SNMP Defaults, and supply the required credentials.
  6. Click Next.

    The CA Configuration Automation Servers section appears.

  7. Select a server from the CCA Server column to assign to the discovered system, and click Finish.

    All discovered servers are assigned to the specified CCA server.

    Note: Discovered servers are automatically managed. Servers in a subnet discovery are not managed.

More information:

Manage Unmanaged Resources