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Run Network Discovery

You can specify a segment of networks to discover.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select Resources, Manage, Discover Network.
  2. Complete the following fields.
    Network Name

    Specifies the name of the network.

    Network Address

    Specifies the network IP address. Hover the cursor over this field to display address examples.

    Exclude Address

    (Optional) Specifies the network address that you want to exclude from discovery.

  3. Select Ping Sweep or DNS as the discovery method.
  4. Click Next.

    The CA Configuration Automation Servers section appears.

  5. Select a server from the CCA Server column which is assigned to the servers discovered in the network, then click Finish.

    Note: Discovered servers are automatically managed. Servers in a subnet discovery are not managed.

More information:

Manage Unmanaged Resources