Online Help › Resources › Configuration Automation › Compliance and Remediation Jobs › Create a Remediation Job
Create a Remediation Job
You can create a remediation job to apply a remediation profile to a server or a service.
Follow these steps:
- In the Management window, go to the Explore pane, and select a server or service.
- Right-click and select Verification, Compliance and Remediation Jobs.
The Compliance and Remediation Jobs dialog opens.
- Click the Add (+) icon and select Remediation Job as the job type.
The Create Remediation Profile Job dialog opens.
- Enter the required information and specify the following remediation profile options:
- Profile
Specifies the remediation profile to use for this job.
- Stop If Step Failed On Target Server
Specifies whether the remediation job associated with this profile stops if this step fails.
Note: The Servers option offers only the selected server; you cannot add other servers.
- Click OK.
The remediation job is created.
- (Optional) To run a remediation job, select it in the Compliance and Remediation Jobs dialog, and click the toolbar arrow (Run).
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