Previous Topic: Compliance and Remediation Jobs

Next Topic: Create a Remediation Job

Create a Compliance Job

You can create a compliance job to apply a set of rules to a server or a service.

Follow these steps:

  1. In the Management window, go to the Explore pane, and select a server or service.
  2. Right-click and select Verification, Compliance and Remediation Jobs.

    The Compliance and Remediation Jobs dialog opens.

  3. Click the Add (+) icon and select Compliance Job as the job type.

    The Create Compliance Job dialog opens.

  4. Enter the required job information.

    In the Rule Compliance Remediation drop-down menu, specify whether you want to use remediation to reset non-compliant values:


    Specifies that non-compliant values appear in the Rule Compliance results, but does not use remediation to reset these values.

    Rule Value Only

    Specifies that remediation is used to reset non-compliant values to the values that are defined in the rules.

    Rule Value or Blueprint Default Value

    Specifies that remediation is used to reset non-compliant values to the values that are defined in the rules. If an explicit rule is not defined for the component, the non-compliant value is reset to the default value defined in the Component Blueprint.

    Rules are organized in logical groups. Select the rule groups that you want to apply from Available Rule Groups.

    The Servers and Services options offer only the selected server or service; you cannot add other servers or services.

  5. Click OK.

    The compliance job is created.

  6. To run a compliance job, select it in the Compliance and Remediation Jobs dialog, and click the toolbar arrow (Run).