Administer Library Objects › Create and Manage Folders › How to Manage Folders › Import a Folder
Import a Folder
Content administrators can import the XML file that represents an exported folder and the objects it contains. If the folder was exported with the absolute path, the hierarchical structure of objects and subordinate folders is preserved in the export file. If the folder was exported with the relative path, the structure from the export folder is created in the import folder.
The import process is the same regardless of how the content was exported. The options that are applicable are based on the content contained in the export file.
Follow these steps:
- Click the Library tab.
- Click Orchestrator and select the target Orchestrator:environment.
- Navigate to the destination folder for the import.
- Right-click the folder, then select Import.
- Complete the following actions on the Import dialog:
- Click Browse and navigate to the location on your local drive where you saved the exported file.
- Select the exported XML file and click Open.
- Select how to import an object that has the same name as an existing object in the same path, based on your knowledge of the objects existing in the import folder.
- Import
Treat the imported version of the object as a new version of the existing object. Select this option if the purpose of this import is an upgrade and you want to keep the history of previous versions. If the imported object has the same release version, the existing release version is overridden with the release version of the imported object.
Overrides the release version of the imported object if a similar object exists with the same release version.
- Do Not Import
Stop the import of the object and keep the existing object. If you select this option, the import process lists the objects with conflicting names. If there are conflicts, you can import again to an empty folder. Alternatively, you can rename the object in the source environment and then repeat the export and import. This option is a good choice when the objects being imported are new objects instead of new versions of existing objects.
- Import and Replace
Delete the existing object and import the new version of the object as version 0.
- Select whether to set the version of objects in the import folder to current. The current version of the process is the version that runs when the process starts. This version becomes active after the import. Other processes can also use the objects that this process uses. If the imported versions are already set to current, they are immediately available for use. For more information, see Determining Whether to Import as Current.
- Select whether to make Custom Operators available.
- Select whether to publish the custom operator group to the Modules tab for the Domain.
Note: Do not publish a custom operator group unless the folder you are importing is from a different Domain.
- Click Submit to start the import process.
- Click OK on the verification of successful import message.
- Review the imported folder and its contents in the currently displayed folder. Notice the following results:
- If you exported the folder as a content package:
- You cannot modify the Release Version attribute value for any object or for the content package.
- You cannot modify the imported version of any object. Objects are baselined during the import.
- If you selected to make custom operators available during the import, the imported custom operators are available for use.
- If you published the custom operator group to the Modules tab, configure values for the custom operator group.
More information:
Scenario: Export and Import Objects in a Content Package
About Release Versions
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