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Back Up All Folders and Their Content

You can back up a library of folders and their content to protect against loss. Invoke an export at the root level of the folder structure. The export process creates an XML file with all of the information needed to recreate the library folders and their content upon import. The best security practice is to store this XML file off-site. If you ever lose your library, you can always reconstruct it by importing the XML file into the root directory of a new Orchestrator.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click the Library tab.
  2. Click Orchestrator and select the appropriate Orchestrator:environment.
  3. Right-click the root folder and select Export.
  4. Determine whether to include the full path for the exported objects or the path relative to a folder containing the object.
  5. Click Export and select one of the following path types:

    On Windows hosts, the File Download dialog opens. You can select whether to open or save the file.

  6. Select Save.

    On Windows hosts, the Save As dialog opens.

  7. Specify the filename with which to save the XML file and the path. For example, librarybackup_date.xml
  8. Click Save.