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About Release Versions

Before you export a folder as a content package that contains a process and its component objects, the content designer takes the following actions:

After import, objects have the same release version values you exported. When you export a folder as a content package, the imported content package is in nonmodifiable mode. The target users cannot modify the Release Version value that you set for this release. The Release Version value helps content designers, who work in the design environment, identify a specific version of an object in the production environment.

Note: CA Process Automation sets the Release Version attribute lock on both the object and the released version of the object. Therefore, users cannot modify the release version value for the imported object version or set release version values for new versions of the object.

Users cannot change nonmodifiable release version values after import. Consider the need for release versions based on what you are doing with the objects. For example:

The following rules govern the export and import of Release Versions:

The following rules govern the copy and paste of imported objects: