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Approve, Reject, or Mark a Change Order as Incomplete

The change order type and risk level drive the approval process for change orders that use the Change Management Process Definition. The following change order values determine the change order approvers:

As an approver, you review the change analysis information and determine whether to approve, reject, or mark the change order as incomplete.

To approve, reject, or mark a change order as incomplete

  1. Open the change order by clicking the email notification link.

    The Change Order Detail page appears.

  2. On the Workflow Tasks tab, click the Change Manager Approval Form link.

    The Tasks page appears.

  3. On the Tasks tab, click the Perform link.

    The CAB or Change Manager Approval page appears.

  4. Review the Chg Analysis tab for additional information about the change order.
  5. Based on the required approval level, select one of the following approval tabs and answer the approval questions:
    Chg Mgr Approval

    Describes the change manager decision for the change order.

    CAB Approval

    Describes the CAB approver decision for the change order.

  6. Select one of the following approval levels:

    Accepts the change order.


    Rejects the change order.


    Marks the change order as incomplete.

    The Result page appears. Based on the approval level, the following actions occur:

More information:

How the CAB Process Works

CAB Responsibilities

CAB Approvals