CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


Package com.netegrity.llsdk6.imsapi.managedobject

Contains interfaces for CA Identity Manager managed objects.


Interface Summary
AccessRole Provides access to the attributes in an AccessRole managed object through the methods inherited from the base interface Role.
AccessTask Provides access to the attributes in an AccessTask managed object through the methods inherited from the base interface Task.
Account Defines an eTrust Admin provisioning account to Identity Manager.
AdminRole Provides access to the attributes in an AdminRole managed object through the methods inherited from the base interface Role.
AdminTask Provides access to the attributes in an AdminTask managed object through the methods inherited from the base interface Task.
Group Provides access to the attributes in a Group managed object through the methods inherited from the base interfaces.
ManagedObject Provides access to the attributes of managed objects that extend this interface.
Organization Provides access to the attributes in an Organization managed object through the methods inherited from the base interfaces.
PasswordPolicy Provides access to the attributes in a PasswordPolicy managed object through the methods inherited from the base interfaces.
ProvisioningRole Provides access to the attributes in an eTrust Admin ProvisioningRole managed object through the methods inherited from the base interface Role.
Relationship Relationship objects represents a relationship on a specific instance of a primary object.
Role Provides access to the attributes in a Role managed object through the methods inherited from the base interfaces.
Task Provides access to the attributes in a Task managed object through the methods inherited from the base interfaces.
User Provides access to the attributes in a User managed object through the methods inherited from the base interfaces.

Class Summary
Role.CustomFieldId Contains identifiers for the custom fields on an access/admin roles configuration screen.
Task.FieldId Contains identifiers for the reserved fields on an access/admin task configuration screen.

Package com.netegrity.llsdk6.imsapi.managedobject Description

Contains interfaces for CA Identity Manager managed objects. For more information, see ManagedObject.

For overview information about the classes and interfaces in the CA Identity Manager APIs, see the Programming Guide.

CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


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