CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


Interface Account

public interface Account

Defines an eTrust Admin provisioning account to Identity Manager.

A provisioning account represents the identity of a user in a particular endpoint type (such as Active Directory or LDAP). The AccountType object indicates the endpoint type that the account is associated with.

A provisioning account is associated with a particular User object.

If an attempt is made to delete a user with one or more eTrust Admin accounts, the system attempts to delete all of the accounts before deleting the user. If any of the accounts fail to delete, the user is not deleted.

Note: This object requires an instance of eTrust Admin Directory. This object also requires an IAMSession has already been established.

Identity Manager 8.1
See Also:
ProvisioningPolicy, ProvisioningRole

Field Summary
static java.lang.String ATTRIBUTE_DELIMETER
Method Summary
 java.util.Vector getAccountReasons()
          Deprecated. Deprecated in Identity Manager 8.1 SP1 Please use getReasons()
 AccountType getAccountType()
          Deprecated. Deprecated in Identity Manager 8.1 SP1. Please use getType()
 java.lang.String getEndPointName()
          Retrieves the name of the endpoint on which this eTrust Admin provisioning Account resieds.
 IAMHandle getIAMHandle()
          Retuns the JIAM Handle of the eTrust Admin provisioning Account.
 AccountReturnType getLockedState()
          Retrieves the account's locked state.
 java.lang.String getPassword()
          Retuns a string containing the password that has been assinged to the eTrust Admin provisioning Account.
 java.util.Vector getReasons()
          Returns the reasons which caused this eTrust Admin provisioning Account to be created.
 void getSecondaryAttributes()
          Retrieves the "secondary attributes" associated with this eTrust Admin provisioning account.
 AccountReturnType getSuspendedState()
          Retrieves the eTrust Admin provisioning Account's suspended state.
 AccountType getType()
          Retrieves the type of this eTrust Admin provisinoing Account.
 User getUser()
          Retuns the User with which the eTrust Admin provisioning Account is associated.
 java.lang.String getUserAccountName()
          Retrieves the name of this eTrust Admin provisioning account.
 void initReasons()
          Retrieves the reasons for this account from the provisioning directory and initialize the accounts' reasons vector.
 boolean isEqualTo(Account accIn)
          Compares the specified account, accIn, to the this account and returns true if the two are equal and false if they are not.
 boolean isLocked()
          Deprecated. Deprecated in Identity Manager 8.1 SP1 Please use getLockedState()
 boolean isLockedModified()
          Indicates whether or not the Locked attribute for this eTrust Admin provisioning Account has been modified.
 boolean isPasswordModified()
          Indicates whether or not the the password for this eTrust Admin provisioning Account has been modified.
 boolean isSuspended()
          Deprecated. Deprecated in Identity Manager 8.1 SP1 Please use getSuspendedState()
 boolean isSuspendedModified()
          Indicates whether or not the the suspended attribute for this eTrust Admin provisioning Account has been modified.
 void modifyObject()
          Updates the date store, the target eTrust Admin Managed Endpoint, with the attribute values in the current Account object.
 void setLockedState(boolean locked)
          Sets the account's locked state.
 void setPassword(java.lang.String password)
          Specifies the password to be set for the eTrust Admin provisioning Account.
 void setSuspendedState(boolean suspended)
          Sets the account's suspended state.
 boolean validateNewPassword(java.lang.String password, PasswordCondition cond)
          Determines if a given string is aceptable as a new password for this account.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String ATTRIBUTE_DELIMETER
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void getSecondaryAttributes()
                            throws JIAMOperationException

Retrieves the "secondary attributes" associated with this eTrust Admin provisioning account.

The "secondary attributes" of an account are those attribues that require accessing the endpoint on which the account exists to be retreived. This operation may require some time to complete, as accessing the account endpoint is an opoeration that may be constrainted by network topology. It should be noted that it is not necessary to retrieve the account secondary attributes in order to modify them. For example, it is not necessary to retrieve the "suspended" state of an account in order to make a request to "resume" that account.

JIAMOperationException - This exception indicates that there was a error encounted while tring to access the account secondary attributes, andthat this error was reported from the JIAM API layer.
Identity Manager 8.1 SP1


java.lang.String getUserAccountName()

Retrieves the name of this eTrust Admin provisioning account.

The name of the account.


AccountType getAccountType()
Deprecated. Deprecated in Identity Manager 8.1 SP1. Please use getType()


AccountType getType()
Retrieves the type of this eTrust Admin provisinoing Account. The account type reflects the endpoint type associated with the account.

Identity Manager 8.1 SP1


java.lang.String getEndPointName()
Retrieves the name of the endpoint on which this eTrust Admin provisioning Account resieds.

A string containd the name of the endpoint on which the account resides.


boolean isSuspendedModified()
Indicates whether or not the the suspended attribute for this eTrust Admin provisioning Account has been modified. The suspended attributes is the suspended state of the account.

true - The suspended state, of the account has been modified false - The suspended state, of the account has not been modified
Identity Manager 8.1 SP1


boolean isLockedModified()
Indicates whether or not the Locked attribute for this eTrust Admin provisioning Account has been modified. The Locked attributes is the locked state of the account.

true - The locked state of the account has been modified false - The locked state of the account has not been modified
Identity Manager 8.1 SP1


boolean isPasswordModified()
Indicates whether or not the the password for this eTrust Admin provisioning Account has been modified.

true - The password of the account has been modified false - The password of the account has not been modified
Identity Manager 8.1 SP1


User getUser()
Retuns the User with which the eTrust Admin provisioning Account is associated.

The User with which the account is asociated.
Identity Manager 8.1 SP1


IAMHandle getIAMHandle()
Retuns the JIAM Handle of the eTrust Admin provisioning Account.

The JIAM Handle of the account.
Identity Manager 8.1 SP1


java.lang.String getPassword()
Retuns a string containing the password that has been assinged to the eTrust Admin provisioning Account. If no password has been specified for the account, during the current task session, then a blank string will be returned. This method does not return the password which has been stored on the endpoint, it only returns the password which has been speicified by the setPassword method during the current task session.

A string containing the password which has been specified for the account, during the current task session, with the setPassword method.
Identity Manager 8.1 SP1


void setPassword(java.lang.String password)
Specifies the password to be set for the eTrust Admin provisioning Account.

password - a string containing the password to be associated with the account.
Identity Manager 8.1 SP1


boolean validateNewPassword(java.lang.String password,
                            PasswordCondition cond)

Determines if a given string is aceptable as a new password for this account.

password - The proposed password that is to be validated
cond - A PasswordCondition object that is populated with information on why a proposed password could not be validated.
true if the password is validated, or false otherwise. If false, Identity Manager provides the reasons in the output parameter cond.


boolean isSuspended()
Deprecated. Deprecated in Identity Manager 8.1 SP1 Please use getSuspendedState()


void setSuspendedState(boolean suspended)

Sets the account's suspended state.

This method allows the "suspended" state of the eTrust Admin provisioning Account to be set to boolean "true" or "false". This method is used to indicate that the suspend state for the account is to be modified to the specific state. The suspend state can be set regardless of its current state, as returned by getSuspendedState(). If setting the Suspended state of the account will not change the current Suspended state, then no net action will be taken (this account will not be modified.

Identity Manager 8.1 SP1


AccountReturnType getSuspendedState()
Retrieves the eTrust Admin provisioning Account's suspended state.

       The account IS suspended.
       The account is NOT suspended.
       The suspended state is not known; no Secondary Access Attributes have been retrieved for
       this account.
       The attempt to retrieve the suspended state of this account failed. This represents a condition
       where the endpoint associated with this account could not be accessed.
Identity Manager 8.1 SP1


boolean isLocked()
Deprecated. Deprecated in Identity Manager 8.1 SP1 Please use getLockedState()


AccountReturnType getLockedState()
Retrieves the account's locked state.

       The account IS locked.
       The account is NOT locked.
       The locked state is not known; no Secondary Access Attributes have been retrieved for
       this account.
       The attempt to retrieve the locked state of this account failed. This represents a condition
       where the endpoint associated with this account could not be accessed.
Identity Manager 8.1 SP1


void setLockedState(boolean locked)

Sets the account's locked state.

This method allows the "locked" state of the eTrust Admin provisioning Account to be set to boolean "true" or "false". This method is used to indicate that the locked state for the account is to be modified to the specific state. The locked state can be set regardless of its current state, as returned by getLockedState(). If setting the Locked state of the account will not change the current Locked state, then no net action will be taken (this account will not be modified.

Identity Manager 8.1 SP1


java.util.Vector getAccountReasons()
                                   throws JIAMOperationException
Deprecated. Deprecated in Identity Manager 8.1 SP1 Please use getReasons()



java.util.Vector getReasons()
Returns the reasons which caused this eTrust Admin provisioning Account to be created. If the reasons have not been initialize, either on construction of this account or by an explicit call the method initReasons(), then an empty vector will be returned. The "reasons" is a list of eTrust Admin Roles and the contained eTrust Admin Policies from which the account was provisioned. The Roles are those that have been assigned to the User with which the account is associated.

Vector of AccountReason objects
Identity Manager 8.1 SP1


void initReasons()
                 throws SmApiException,
Retrieves the reasons for this account from the provisioning directory and initialize the accounts' reasons vector. The 'reasons', which can be retreieved by the getReasons() method, is a list of eTrust Admin Roles and the contained eTrust Admin Policies from which the account was provisioned. The Roles are those that have been assigned to the User with which the account is associated.

JIAMOperationException - This exception indicates that there was a error encounted while tring to access the account secondary attributes, and that this error was reported from the JIAM API layer.
Identity Manager 8.1 SP1


boolean isEqualTo(Account accIn)
Compares the specified account, accIn, to the this account and returns true if the two are equal and false if they are not. To accounts are considered to be equal if the account names and endpoint names are the same.

accIn - an account which is being compared to this account.
true if the specified account, accIn, is equal to this account false if the specified account, accIn, is not equal to this account
Identity Manager 8.1 SP1


void modifyObject()
                  throws JIAMOperationException

Updates the date store, the target eTrust Admin Managed Endpoint, with the attribute values in the current Account object.

This method updates the data store (i.e., the Admin Managed Endpoint) with the attributes in the current object (i.e., this object - Account). This method commits to the appropriate account on the target endpoint any changes to the current objects local (in-memory) attributes set (i.e., susended, locked, and passowrd).

JIAMOperationException - This exception indicates that there was a error encounted while tring to update the account on the target eTrust Admin Managed endpoint, and that this error was reported from the JIAM API layer.

CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


© 2011 CA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.