CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


Interface Group

All Superinterfaces:
AttributeCollection, GroupableObject, ManagedObject, java.util.Map, ModifiableObject, NamedObject,

public interface Group
extends ManagedObject, GroupableObject

Provides access to the attributes in a Group managed object through the methods inherited from the base interfaces.

Group represents a logical association of User objects and/or other group objects. The members of a group can exist in different organizations. The group object itself exists in a single organization.

This interface includes overloaded methods that allow different ways of specifying the attributes to include in retrieved managed objects. For information on object attributes and attribute permissions, see GroupProvider.

IdentityMinder 5.6

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface java.util.Map
Field Summary
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_CONTAINER
          Attribute identifier for the group object's container name.
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_CONTAINER_ID
          Attribute identifier for the group object's container ID.
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION
          Attribute identifier for the group object's description.
          Attribute identifier for the group object's dynamic group membership flag.
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_FRIENDLY_NAME
          Attribute identifier for the group object's friendly name.
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_GROUP_ADMIN
          Attribute identifier for the group object's administrator flag.
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_GROUP_ADMIN_GROUP
          Attribute identifier for the group object's administrator flag.
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP
          Attribute identifier for the group object's membership flag.
          Attribute identifier for the group object's nested group membership flag.
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_ORG_MEMBERSHIP
          Attribute identifier for the group object's organization membership.
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_SELF_SUBSCRIBING
          Attribute identifier for the group object's self-subscription flag.
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_UNIQUE_NAME
          Attribute identifier for the group object's unique name.
Method Summary
 void addAdmin(User newAdmin)
          Adds a new user to the list of administrators for this group.
 void addAdminGroup(Group newAdminGroup)
          Adds a new Group to the list of administrators for this group.
 java.util.Vector getAdmins(java.util.Enumeration attribs)
          Retrieves all the users who are administrators of this group.
 java.util.Vector getAdmins(ObjectType type, java.util.Enumeration attribs, AdminTask task, User admin, GroupAdministratorType adminType)
 java.util.Vector getAdmins(ObjectType objType, java.util.Enumeration attribs, GroupAdministratorType adminsType)
          Retrieves all the users who are administrators of this group.
 java.util.Vector getAdmins(TSContext context, AttributeRightsCollection attribs)
          Retrieves all the users who are administrators of this group.
 java.util.Vector getMembers(ObjectType type, java.util.Enumeration attribs)
          Retrieves the objects in this group.
 java.util.Vector getMembers(ObjectType type, java.util.Enumeration attribs, AdminTask task, User admin)
          Deprecated. Deprecated in IdentityMinder 6.0. Use getMembers() containing AttributeRightsCollection.
 java.util.Vector getMembers(ObjectType type, java.util.Enumeration attribs, AdminTask task, User admin, GroupMembershipType memberType)
          Internal use only.
 java.util.Vector getMembers(ObjectType type, java.util.Enumeration attribs, GroupMembershipType memberType)
          Internal use only.
 java.util.Vector getMembers(TSContext context, ObjectType type, AttributeRightsCollection attribs)
          Retrieves the objects in this group -- attribute permissions are included in the returned objects.
 java.util.Vector getUsers(java.util.Enumeration attribs)
          Retrieves the user objects in this group.
 java.util.Vector getUsers(TSContext context, AttributeRightsCollection attribs)
          Retrieves the user objects in this group -- attribute permissions are included in the returned objects.
 ApiResultSet pagedGetMembers(ObjectType type, java.util.Enumeration attribs, SearchCursor cursor)
          Deprecated. As of FW 2.0, no alternate method exists.

Retrieves the objects in this group, in sorted order.

 ApiResultSet pagedGetMembers(TSContext context, ObjectType type, AttributeRightsCollection attribs, SearchCursor cursor)
          Deprecated. As of FW 2.0, no alternate method exists.

Retrieves the objects in this group, in sorted order -- attribute permissions are included in the returned objects.

 ApiResultSet pagedGetUsers(java.util.Enumeration attribs, SearchCursor cursor)
          Deprecated. As of FW 2.0, no alternate method exists.

Retrieves the user objects in this group, in sorted order.

 ApiResultSet pagedGetUsers(TSContext context, AttributeRightsCollection attribs, SearchCursor cursor)
          Deprecated. As of FW 2.0, no alternate method exists.

Retrieves the user objects in this group, in sorted order -- attribute permissions are included in the returned objects.

 void removeAdmin(User adminToRemove)
          Removes a user from the list of administrators for this group.
 void removeAdminGroup(Group adminGroupToRemove)
          Removes a Group from the list of administrators for this group.
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.llsdk6.imsapi.managedobject.ManagedObject
directAddAttributeValue, directRemoveAttributeValue, equals, fixUniqueNames, getImsDirectory, getImsEnvironment, getObjectType, getOrg, getOrg, getProvider, hashCode, move, persisted
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.llsdk6.imsapi.abstractinterface.NamedObject
getFriendlyName, getUniqueName, toString
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.llsdk6.imsapi.abstractinterface.AttributeCollection
addAttributes, addValueToAttribute, containsAttribute, doesAttributeHaveMultipleValues, enumerateAttributes, getAttribute, getAttributeMultiValue, getAttributePermission, getAttributes, getExtendedAttribute, getLastCommittedAttribute, getLastCommittedAttributeMultiValue, getLastCommittedValue, getOriginalAttribute, getOriginalAttributeMultiValue, getOriginalValue, getValue, hasAttributeChanged, isAttributeUncommitted, isUncommitted, makeCurrentValueOriginal, removeAttributes, setAttribute, setAttributeMultiValue, setAttributes, setValue, updateAttributeSet
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.llsdk6.imsapi.abstractinterface.ModifiableObject
modifyObject, modifyObject
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Map
clear, containsKey, containsValue, entrySet, get, isEmpty, keySet, put, putAll, remove, size, values
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.llsdk6.imsapi.abstractinterface.GroupableObject
addToGroup, getGroups, getGroups, isInGroup, removeFromGroup

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_FRIENDLY_NAME
Attribute identifier for the group object's friendly name.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_UNIQUE_NAME
Attribute identifier for the group object's unique name.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION
Attribute identifier for the group object's description.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_ORG_MEMBERSHIP
Attribute identifier for the group object's organization membership.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_CONTAINER
Attribute identifier for the group object's container name.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_CONTAINER_ID
Attribute identifier for the group object's container ID.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_SELF_SUBSCRIBING
Attribute identifier for the group object's self-subscription flag. During self-registration, a user can assign himself to a group that has this attribute set.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP
Attribute identifier for the group object's membership flag.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_GROUP_ADMIN
Attribute identifier for the group object's administrator flag.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_GROUP_ADMIN_GROUP
Attribute identifier for the group object's administrator flag.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_NESTED_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP
Attribute identifier for the group object's nested group membership flag.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_DYNAMIC_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP
Attribute identifier for the group object's dynamic group membership flag.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


java.util.Vector getMembers(ObjectType type,
                            java.util.Enumeration attribs)
                            throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException

Retrieves the objects in this group.

type - An object type used to filter the response.
attribs - An Enumeration of Strings containing names of the attributes to include in the retrieved objects. If you pass an empty Enumeration, no attributes are included. If you pass null, all attributes are included.
A Vector of the managed objects that are members of this group.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents a Group that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents a Group that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


java.util.Vector getMembers(ObjectType type,
                            java.util.Enumeration attribs,
                            AdminTask task,
                            User admin)
                            throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException
Deprecated. Deprecated in IdentityMinder 6.0. Use getMembers() containing AttributeRightsCollection.

Retrieves the objects in this group.

type - An object type used to filter the response.
attribs - An Enumeration of Strings containing names of the attributes to include in the retrieved objects. If you pass an empty Enumeration, no attributes are included. If you pass null, all attributes are included.
task - The admin task being executed.
admin - The administrator who is executing the task.
A Vector of the managed objects that are members of this group.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents a Group that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents a Group that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


java.util.Vector getMembers(ObjectType type,
                            java.util.Enumeration attribs,
                            GroupMembershipType memberType)
                            throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException
Internal use only.



java.util.Vector getMembers(ObjectType type,
                            java.util.Enumeration attribs,
                            AdminTask task,
                            User admin,
                            GroupMembershipType memberType)
                            throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException
Internal use only.



java.util.Vector getMembers(TSContext context,
                            ObjectType type,
                            AttributeRightsCollection attribs)
                            throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException

Retrieves the objects in this group -- attribute permissions are included in the returned objects.

context - Context information for the current task session.
type - An object type used to filter the response.
attribs - A collection of AttributeRight objects, each containing an attribute name and a permission request.
A Vector of the managed objects that are members of this group.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents a Group that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents a Group that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


ApiResultSet pagedGetMembers(ObjectType type,
                             java.util.Enumeration attribs,
                             SearchCursor cursor)
                             throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException
Deprecated. As of FW 2.0, no alternate method exists.

Retrieves the objects in this group, in sorted order.

type - An object type used to filter the response.
attribs - An Enumeration of Strings containing names of the attributes to include in the retrieved objects. If you pass an empty Enumeration, no attributes are included. If you pass null, all attributes are included.
cursor - Instructions for sorting the retrieved objects.
A Vector of the managed objects that are members of this group.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents a Group that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents a Group that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


ApiResultSet pagedGetMembers(TSContext context,
                             ObjectType type,
                             AttributeRightsCollection attribs,
                             SearchCursor cursor)
                             throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException
Deprecated. As of FW 2.0, no alternate method exists.

Retrieves the objects in this group, in sorted order -- attribute permissions are included in the returned objects.

context - Context information for the current task session.
type - An object type used to filter the response.
attribs - A collection of AttributeRight objects, each containing an attribute name and a permission request.
cursor - Instructions for sorting the retrieved objects.
A Vector of the managed objects that are members of this group.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents a Group that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents a Group that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


java.util.Vector getUsers(java.util.Enumeration attribs)
                          throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException

Retrieves the user objects in this group.

attribs - An Enumeration of Strings containing names of the attributes to include in the retrieved objects. If you pass an empty Enumeration, no attributes are included. If you pass null, all attributes are included.
A Vector of the user objects that are members of this group.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents a Group that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents a Group that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


java.util.Vector getUsers(TSContext context,
                          AttributeRightsCollection attribs)
                          throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException

Retrieves the user objects in this group -- attribute permissions are included in the returned objects.

context - Context information for the current task session.
attribs - A collection of AttributeRight objects, each containing an attribute name and a permission request.
A Vector of the user objects that are members of this group.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents a Group that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents a Group that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


ApiResultSet pagedGetUsers(java.util.Enumeration attribs,
                           SearchCursor cursor)
                           throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException
Deprecated. As of FW 2.0, no alternate method exists.

Retrieves the user objects in this group, in sorted order.

attribs - An Enumeration of Strings containing names of the attributes to include in the retrieved objects. If you pass an empty Enumeration, no attributes are included. If you pass null, all attributes are included.
cursor - Instructions for sorting the retrieved objects.
A Vector of the user objects that are members of this group.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents a Group that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents a Group that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


ApiResultSet pagedGetUsers(TSContext context,
                           AttributeRightsCollection attribs,
                           SearchCursor cursor)
                           throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException
Deprecated. As of FW 2.0, no alternate method exists.

Retrieves the user objects in this group, in sorted order -- attribute permissions are included in the returned objects.

context - Context information for the current task session.
attribs - A collection of AttributeRight objects, each containing an attribute name and a permission request.
cursor - Instructions for sorting the retrieved objects.
A Vector of the user objects that are members of this group.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents a Group that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents a Group that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


void addAdmin(User newAdmin)
              throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException

Adds a new user to the list of administrators for this group. The method succeeds silently if the user is already an administrator for the group.

newAdmin - The user to add as a group administrator.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents a Group that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents a Group that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


void removeAdmin(User adminToRemove)
                 throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException

Removes a user from the list of administrators for this group. The method succeeds silently if the user is not an administrator for the group.

adminToRemove - The user to remove as a group administrator.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents a Group that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents a Group that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


java.util.Vector getAdmins(java.util.Enumeration attribs)
                           throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException

Retrieves all the users who are administrators of this group.

attribs - An Enumeration of Strings containing names of the attributes to include in the retrieved objects. If you pass an empty Enumeration, no attributes are included. If you pass null, all attributes are included.
A Vector of the user objects that are administrators of this group.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents a Group that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents a Group that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


java.util.Vector getAdmins(TSContext context,
                           AttributeRightsCollection attribs)
                           throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException

Retrieves all the users who are administrators of this group.

context - Context information for the current task session.
attribs - A collection of AttributeRight objects, each containing an attribute name and a permission request.
A Vector of the user objects that are administrators of this group.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents a Group that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents a Group that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


void addAdminGroup(Group newAdminGroup)
                   throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException

Adds a new Group to the list of administrators for this group. The method succeeds silently if the user is already an administrator for the group.

newAdmin - The Group to add as a group administrator.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents a Group that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents a Group that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


void removeAdminGroup(Group adminGroupToRemove)
                      throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException

Removes a Group from the list of administrators for this group. The method succeeds silently if the user is not an administrator for the group.

adminToRemove - The Group to remove as a group administrator.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents a Group that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents a Group that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


java.util.Vector getAdmins(ObjectType objType,
                           java.util.Enumeration attribs,
                           GroupAdministratorType adminsType)
                           throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException

Retrieves all the users who are administrators of this group.

attribs - An Enumeration of Strings containing names of the attributes to include in the retrieved objects. If you pass an empty Enumeration, no attributes are included. If you pass null, all attributes are included.
A Vector of the user objects that are administrators of this group.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents a Group that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents a Group that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


java.util.Vector getAdmins(ObjectType type,
                           java.util.Enumeration attribs,
                           AdminTask task,
                           User admin,
                           GroupAdministratorType adminType)
                           throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException

CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


© 2011 CA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.