CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


Interface Organization

All Superinterfaces:
AttributeCollection, ManagedObject, java.util.Map, ModifiableObject, NamedObject,

public interface Organization
extends ManagedObject

Provides access to the attributes in an Organization managed object through the methods inherited from the base interfaces.

Organization represents a container object in a user directory. It can contain other managed objects, including other organizations. Organizations typically correspond to the business units in an enterprise.

This interface includes overloaded methods that allow different ways of specifying the attributes to include in retrieved managed objects. For information on object attributes and attribute permissions, see OrganizationProvider.

IdentityMinder 5.6

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface java.util.Map
Field Summary
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION
          Attribute identifier for the organization object's description.
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_FRIENDLY_NAME
          Attribute identifier for the organization object's friendly name.
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_ORG_MEMBERSHIP
          Attribute identifier for the organization object's organization membership flag.
static java.lang.String PROPERTY_UNIQUE_NAME
          Attribute identifier for the organization object's unique name .
Method Summary
 ManagedObject createManagedObject(ObjectType type, java.util.Hashtable attribs)
          Creates a new managed object of the specified type within this organization.
 ManagedObject createManagedObject(ObjectType type, java.util.Hashtable attribs, AttributeRightsCollection permissions)
          Creates a new managed object of the specified type within this organization, including permission requests for the object's attributes.
 java.util.Vector<? extends ManagedObject> getMembers(ObjectType type, SearchDepthType scope, java.util.Enumeration attribs)
          Retrieves the objects of the specified type that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it.
 java.util.Vector<? extends ManagedObject> getMembers(TSContext context, ObjectType type, SearchDepthType scope, AttributeRightsCollection attribs)
          Retrieves the objects of the specified type that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it -- attribute permissions are included in the returned objects.
 java.lang.String getObjectClass()
          Returns the "object class" associated with the organization.
 ApiResultSet pagedGetMembers(ObjectType type, SearchDepthType scope, java.util.Enumeration attribs, SearchCursor cursor)
          Deprecated. As of FW 2.0, no alternate method exists.

Retrieves a sorted list of the objects of the specified type that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it.

 ApiResultSet pagedGetMembers(TSContext context, ObjectType type, SearchDepthType scope, AttributeRightsCollection attribs, SearchCursor cursor)
          Deprecated. As of FW 2.0, no alternate method exists.

Retrieves a sorted list of the objects of the specified type that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it -- attribute permissions are included in the returned objects.

 ApiResultSet pagedSearchManagedObjects(ObjectType type, java.util.Vector filter, ConjunctionType conj, SearchDepthType searchDepth, java.util.Enumeration attribs, SearchCursor cursor)
          Deprecated. As of FW 2.0, no alternate method exists.

Searches for objects of the specified type that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it, and sorts the result.

 ApiResultSet pagedSearchManagedObjects(ObjectType type, java.util.Vector filter, SearchDepthType searchDepth, java.util.Enumeration attribs, SearchCursor cursor)
          Deprecated. Deprecated in IdentityMinder 6.0. Use pagedSearchManagedObjects() containing ConjunctionType.
 ApiResultSet pagedSearchManagedObjects(TSContext context, ObjectType type, java.util.Vector filter, ConjunctionType conj, SearchDepthType searchDepth, AttributeRightsCollection attribs, SearchCursor cursor)
          Deprecated. As of FW 2.0, no alternate method exists.

Searches for objects of the specified type that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it, and sorts the result -- attribute permissions are included in the returned objects.

 ApiResultSet pagedSearchManagedObjects(TSContext context, ObjectType type, java.util.Vector filter, SearchDepthType searchDepth, AttributeRightsCollection attribs, SearchCursor cursor)
          Deprecated. Deprecated in IdentityMinder 6.0. Use pagedSearchManagedObjects() containing ConjunctionType.
 java.util.Vector<? extends ManagedObject> searchManagedObjects(ObjectType type, java.util.Vector filter, ConjunctionType conj, SearchDepthType searchDepth, java.util.Enumeration attribs)
          Deprecated. As of FW 2.0, replaced by searchManagedObjects(SearchContext)

Searches for objects of the specified type that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it.

 java.util.Vector<? extends ManagedObject> searchManagedObjects(ObjectType type, java.util.Vector filter, SearchDepthType searchDepth, java.util.Enumeration attribs)
          Deprecated. Deprecated in IdentityMinder 6.0. Use searchManagedObjects() containing ConjunctionType.
  searchManagedObjects(SearchContext searchContext)
          Searches for objects of the specified type that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it.
 java.util.Vector<? extends ManagedObject> searchManagedObjects(TSContext context, ObjectType type, java.util.Vector filter, ConjunctionType conj, SearchDepthType searchDepth, AttributeRightsCollection attribs)
          Deprecated. As of FW 2.0, replaced by searchManagedObjects(SearchContext)

Searches for objects of the specified type that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it -- attribute permissions are included in the returned objects.

 java.util.Vector<? extends ManagedObject> searchManagedObjects(TSContext context, ObjectType type, java.util.Vector filter, SearchDepthType searchDepth, AttributeRightsCollection attribs)
          Deprecated. Deprecated in IdentityMinder 6.0. Use searchManagedObjects() containing ConjunctionType.
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.llsdk6.imsapi.managedobject.ManagedObject
directAddAttributeValue, directRemoveAttributeValue, equals, fixUniqueNames, getImsDirectory, getImsEnvironment, getObjectType, getOrg, getOrg, getProvider, hashCode, move, persisted
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.llsdk6.imsapi.abstractinterface.NamedObject
getFriendlyName, getUniqueName, toString
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.llsdk6.imsapi.abstractinterface.AttributeCollection
addAttributes, addValueToAttribute, containsAttribute, doesAttributeHaveMultipleValues, enumerateAttributes, getAttribute, getAttributeMultiValue, getAttributePermission, getAttributes, getExtendedAttribute, getLastCommittedAttribute, getLastCommittedAttributeMultiValue, getLastCommittedValue, getOriginalAttribute, getOriginalAttributeMultiValue, getOriginalValue, getValue, hasAttributeChanged, isAttributeUncommitted, isUncommitted, makeCurrentValueOriginal, removeAttributes, setAttribute, setAttributeMultiValue, setAttributes, setValue, updateAttributeSet
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.llsdk6.imsapi.abstractinterface.ModifiableObject
modifyObject, modifyObject
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Map
clear, containsKey, containsValue, entrySet, get, isEmpty, keySet, put, putAll, remove, size, values

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_FRIENDLY_NAME
Attribute identifier for the organization object's friendly name.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_UNIQUE_NAME
Attribute identifier for the organization object's unique name .

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION
Attribute identifier for the organization object's description.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String PROPERTY_ORG_MEMBERSHIP
Attribute identifier for the organization object's organization membership flag.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


java.util.Vector<? extends ManagedObject> getMembers(ObjectType type,
                                                     SearchDepthType scope,
                                                     java.util.Enumeration attribs)
                                                     throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException

Retrieves the objects of the specified type that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it.

type - The type of member objects to retrieve. Valid values are ObjectType.ORG, ObjectType.GROUP, ObjectType.USER.
scope - Indicates whether to search just the specified organization or also its children.
attribs - An Enumeration of Strings that specifies the attributes to include in retrieved objects. If you pass an empty Enumeration, no attributes are included. If you pass null, all attributes are included.
A Vector of the managed objects that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents an Organization that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents an Organization that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


java.util.Vector<? extends ManagedObject> getMembers(TSContext context,
                                                     ObjectType type,
                                                     SearchDepthType scope,
                                                     AttributeRightsCollection attribs)
                                                     throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException

Retrieves the objects of the specified type that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it -- attribute permissions are included in the returned objects.

context - Context information for the current task session.
type - The type of member objects to retrieve. Valid values are ObjectType.ORG, ObjectType.GROUP, ObjectType.USER.
scope - Indicates whether to search just the specified organization or also its children.
attribs - A collection of AttributeRight objects, each containing an attribute name and a permission request.
A Vector of the managed objects that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents an Organization that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents an Organization that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


ApiResultSet pagedGetMembers(ObjectType type,
                             SearchDepthType scope,
                             java.util.Enumeration attribs,
                             SearchCursor cursor)
                             throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException
Deprecated. As of FW 2.0, no alternate method exists.

Retrieves a sorted list of the objects of the specified type that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it.

type - The type of member objects to retrieve. Valid values are ObjectType.ORG, ObjectType.GROUP, ObjectType.USER.
scope - Indicates whether to search just the specified organization or also its children.
attribs - An Enumeration of Strings that specifies the attributes to include in retrieved objects. If you pass an empty Enumeration, no attributes are included. If you pass null, all attributes are included.
cursor - Instructions for sorting the retrieved objects.
The managed objects, in sorted order, that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents an Organization that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents an Organization that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


ApiResultSet pagedGetMembers(TSContext context,
                             ObjectType type,
                             SearchDepthType scope,
                             AttributeRightsCollection attribs,
                             SearchCursor cursor)
                             throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException
Deprecated. As of FW 2.0, no alternate method exists.

Retrieves a sorted list of the objects of the specified type that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it -- attribute permissions are included in the returned objects.

context - Context information for the current task session.
type - The type of member objects to retrieve. Valid values are ObjectType.ORG, ObjectType.GROUP, ObjectType.USER.
scope - Indicates whether to search just the specified organization or also its children.
attribs - A collection of AttributeRight objects, each containing an attribute name and a permission request.
cursor - Instructions for sorting the retrieved objects.
The managed objects, in sorted order, that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents an Organization that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents an Organization that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


java.util.Vector<? extends ManagedObject> searchManagedObjects(ObjectType type,
                                                               java.util.Vector filter,
                                                               SearchDepthType searchDepth,
                                                               java.util.Enumeration attribs)
                                                               throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException
Deprecated. Deprecated in IdentityMinder 6.0. Use searchManagedObjects() containing ConjunctionType.

Searches for objects of the specified type that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it.

type - The type of member objects to retrieve. Valid values are ObjectType.ORG, ObjectType.GROUP, ObjectType.USER.
filter - A Vector of SearchExpression objects that must all match the returned objects (all SearchExpression objects in the Vector are ANDed). If there is anything else in the Vector, an exception is thrown.
searchDepth - Indicates whether to search just the specified organization or also its children.
attribs - An Enumeration of Strings that specifies the attributes to include in retrieved objects. If you pass an empty Enumeration, no attributes are included. If you pass null, all attributes are included.
A Vector of the managed objects that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents an Organization that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents an Organization that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


java.util.Vector<? extends ManagedObject> searchManagedObjects(TSContext context,
                                                               ObjectType type,
                                                               java.util.Vector filter,
                                                               SearchDepthType searchDepth,
                                                               AttributeRightsCollection attribs)
                                                               throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException
Deprecated. Deprecated in IdentityMinder 6.0. Use searchManagedObjects() containing ConjunctionType.

Searches for objects of the specified type that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it -- attribute permissions are included in the returned objects.

context - Context information for the current task session.
type - The type of member objects to retrieve. Valid values are ObjectType.ORG, ObjectType.GROUP, ObjectType.USER.
filter - A Vector of SearchExpression objects that must all match the returned objects (all SearchExpression objects in the Vector are ANDed). If there is anything else in the Vector, an exception is thrown.
searchDepth - Indicates whether to search just the specified organization or also its children.
attribs - A collection of AttributeRight objects, each containing an attribute name and a permission request.
A Vector of the managed objects that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents an Organization that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents an Organization that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


java.util.Vector<? extends ManagedObject> searchManagedObjects(ObjectType type,
                                                               java.util.Vector filter,
                                                               ConjunctionType conj,
                                                               SearchDepthType searchDepth,
                                                               java.util.Enumeration attribs)
                                                               throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException
Deprecated. As of FW 2.0, replaced by searchManagedObjects(SearchContext)

Searches for objects of the specified type that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it.

type - The type of member objects to retrieve. Valid values are ObjectType.ORG, ObjectType.GROUP, ObjectType.USER.
filter - A Vector of SearchExpression objects. If there is anything else in the Vector, an exception is thrown.
conj - A conjunction (such as AND or OR) for combining expressions in the search filter.
searchDepth - Indicates whether to search just the specified organization or also its children.
attribs - An Enumeration of Strings that specifies the attributes to include in retrieved objects. If you pass an empty Enumeration, no attributes are included. If you pass null, all attributes are included.
A Vector of the managed objects that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents an Organization that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents an Organization that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


 searchManagedObjects(SearchContext searchContext)
                           throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException

Searches for objects of the specified type that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it.

searchContext - is an instance of OrgSearchContext and accumulates all possible information needed for the search
A SearchResults of the managed objects that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents an Organization that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents an Organization that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


java.util.Vector<? extends ManagedObject> searchManagedObjects(TSContext context,
                                                               ObjectType type,
                                                               java.util.Vector filter,
                                                               ConjunctionType conj,
                                                               SearchDepthType searchDepth,
                                                               AttributeRightsCollection attribs)
                                                               throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException
Deprecated. As of FW 2.0, replaced by searchManagedObjects(SearchContext)

Searches for objects of the specified type that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it -- attribute permissions are included in the returned objects.

context - Context information for the current task session.
type - The type of member objects to retrieve. Valid values are ObjectType.ORG, ObjectType.GROUP, ObjectType.USER.
filter - A Vector of SearchExpression objects. If there is anything else in the Vector, an exception is thrown.
conj - A conjunction (such as AND or OR) for combining expressions in the search filter.
searchDepth - Indicates whether to search just the specified organization or also its children.
attribs - A collection of AttributeRight objects, each containing an attribute name and a permission request.
A Vector of the managed objects that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents an Organization that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents an Organization that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


ApiResultSet pagedSearchManagedObjects(ObjectType type,
                                       java.util.Vector filter,
                                       SearchDepthType searchDepth,
                                       java.util.Enumeration attribs,
                                       SearchCursor cursor)
                                       throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException
Deprecated. Deprecated in IdentityMinder 6.0. Use pagedSearchManagedObjects() containing ConjunctionType.

Searches for objects of the specified type that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it, and sorts the result.

type - The type of member objects to retrieve. Valid values are ObjectType.ORG, ObjectType.GROUP, ObjectType.USER.
filter - A Vector of SearchExpression objects that must all match the returned objects (all SearchExpression objects in the Vector are ANDed). If there is anything else in the Vector, an exception is thrown.
searchDepth - Indicates whether to search just the specified organization or also its children.
attribs - An Enumeration of Strings that specifies the attributes to include in retrieved objects. If you pass an empty Enumeration, no attributes are included. If you pass null, all attributes are included.
cursor - Instructions for sorting the retrieved objects.
A sorted Vector of the managed objects that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents an Organization that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents an Organization that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


ApiResultSet pagedSearchManagedObjects(ObjectType type,
                                       java.util.Vector filter,
                                       ConjunctionType conj,
                                       SearchDepthType searchDepth,
                                       java.util.Enumeration attribs,
                                       SearchCursor cursor)
                                       throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException
Deprecated. As of FW 2.0, no alternate method exists.

Searches for objects of the specified type that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it, and sorts the result.

type - The type of member objects to retrieve. Valid values are ObjectType.ORG, ObjectType.GROUP, ObjectType.USER.
filter - A Vector of SearchExpression objects. If there is anything else in the Vector, an exception is thrown.
conj - A conjunction (such as AND or OR) for combining expressions in the search filter.
searchDepth - Indicates whether to search just the specified organization or also its children.
attribs - An Enumeration of Strings that specifies the attributes to include in retrieved objects. If you pass an empty Enumeration, no attributes are included. If you pass null, all attributes are included.
cursor - Instructions for sorting the retrieved objects.
A sorted Vector of the managed objects that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents an Organization that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents an Organization that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


ApiResultSet pagedSearchManagedObjects(TSContext context,
                                       ObjectType type,
                                       java.util.Vector filter,
                                       SearchDepthType searchDepth,
                                       AttributeRightsCollection attribs,
                                       SearchCursor cursor)
                                       throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException
Deprecated. Deprecated in IdentityMinder 6.0. Use pagedSearchManagedObjects() containing ConjunctionType.

Searches for objects of the specified type that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it, and sorts the result -- attribute permissions are included in the returned objects.

context - Context information for the current task session.
type - The type of member objects to retrieve. Valid values are ObjectType.ORG, ObjectType.GROUP, ObjectType.USER.
filter - A Vector of SearchExpression objects that must all match the returned objects (all SearchExpression objects in the Vector are ANDed). If there is anything else in the Vector, an exception is thrown.
searchDepth - Indicates whether to search just the specified organization or also its children.
attribs - A collection of AttributeRight objects, each containing an attribute name and a permission request.
cursor - Instructions for sorting the retrieved objects.
A sorted Vector of the managed objects that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents an Organization that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents an Organization that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


ApiResultSet pagedSearchManagedObjects(TSContext context,
                                       ObjectType type,
                                       java.util.Vector filter,
                                       ConjunctionType conj,
                                       SearchDepthType searchDepth,
                                       AttributeRightsCollection attribs,
                                       SearchCursor cursor)
                                       throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException
Deprecated. As of FW 2.0, no alternate method exists.

Searches for objects of the specified type that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it, and sorts the result -- attribute permissions are included in the returned objects.

context - Context information for the current task session.
type - The type of member objects to retrieve. Valid values are ObjectType.ORG, ObjectType.GROUP, ObjectType.USER.
filter - A Vector of SearchExpression objects. If there is anything else in the Vector, an exception is thrown.
conj - A conjunction (such as AND or OR) for combining expressions in the search filter.
searchDepth - Indicates whether to search just the specified organization or also its children.
attribs - A collection of AttributeRight objects, each containing an attribute name and a permission request.
cursor - Instructions for sorting the retrieved objects.
A sorted Vector of the managed objects that are members of this organization, and optionally, of organizations below it.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents an Organization that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents an Organization that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


ManagedObject createManagedObject(ObjectType type,
                                  java.util.Hashtable attribs)
                                  throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException

Creates a new managed object of the specified type within this organization.

type - The type of member objects to create. Valid values are ObjectType.ORG, ObjectType.GROUP, ObjectType.USER.
attribs - The seed attributes to include in this managed object.
The newly created managed object.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents an Organization that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents an Organization that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


ManagedObject createManagedObject(ObjectType type,
                                  java.util.Hashtable attribs,
                                  AttributeRightsCollection permissions)
                                  throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException

Creates a new managed object of the specified type within this organization, including permission requests for the object's attributes.

type - The type of member objects to create. Valid values are ObjectType.ORG, ObjectType.GROUP, ObjectType.USER.
attribs - The seed attributes to include in this managed object.
permissions - A collection of AttributeRight objects, each containing an attribute name and a permission request.
The newly created managed object.
DeletedObjectException - - If this object represents an Organization that has already been deleted
NoSessionException - - If this object represents an Organization that is not connected to a session (i.e. isConnected() would return false).


java.lang.String getObjectClass()
Returns the "object class" associated with the organization. This is the directory specific

String - This is currently only set when calling getRootOrganization. null otherwise

CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


© 2011 CA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.