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OS Image

An OS image description file osinfo.ini is stored in the OSIM OS image store along with the image. You can either open the file or view its contents using the following command:

createosimage -p <imagename>

The osinfo.ini file contains the following sections:


The images section presents mainly the following information:


Specifies the code page to use during the OS setup.

"Language identifiers" shows a list of valid keys.

Default: ENU

OSIM imageflags=

Defines the features or properties of the OS image. The value of this property can contain a comma-separated list of key words.

Note: The key words are case-sensitive.

Following tables provides the list of key words that you can use with this parameter:




Specifies that the image can accept parameters in FIPS-compliant encryption only


Specifies that the image supports installation using a DOS-based boot image in TFTP mode.


Specifies that the image supports installation using a DOS-based boot image in share mode.


Specifies that the image supports installation using a WinPE-based boot image in TFTP mode.


Specifies that the image supports installation using a WinPE-based boot image in share mode


Specifies that the image supports installation using a WinPE20-based or WinPE30-based boot image in share mode


Specifies that the image supports installation using a WinPEx64-based boot image in TFTP mode.


Specifies that the image supports installation using a WinPEx64-based boot image in share mode


Specifies that the image supports Linux-based boot image using TFTP in share mode.


Specifies the name of the OS image.


Specifies the product key of the operating system.

Default: 000-0000000


Specifies the name of the operating system.


Specifies the date and time of creation of the image.


Specifies the name of the share where the image is stored. The share is located at MANAGEDPC\images relative to the installation directory of CA\DSM\server\SDBS\var.


If the OS image uses the image of another OS image, this entry refers to the share for this base image. It is located at MANAGEDPC\images. If the OS image uses an installation image of its own, the entry carries the same value as the entry sharename.


Identifies the type of operating system associated with the OS image.

For valid values, see usage of CreateOSImage.


Alternatively, a list of numbers separated by commas.

List of Software delivery OS types to determine compatibility with Software Delivery distribution packages.

Createshare=MS, MSNFS

Specifies what type of shares the images uses. MS means Microsoft shares, MSNFS means Microsoft shares and NFS shares.

createzip=<name of the zip file>

If createzip is set with a name of a zip file, the OS image is prepared to install from a TFTP boot server. In the case of a TFTP boot server, the zip file is downloaded to the target instead of installing from a Microsoft share. Because Linux CD and DVD images are very large, Linux CD’s are not transferred in a zip file to the target. The target accesses Linux CD’s always from an NFS share.


The parameter section presents the following information:


This parameter refers to the default file that describes the operating system parameters. This file is normally called default.ini and is located at the share specified by the sharename.


The camenu section specifies files that control the OS installation process of this OS image. The files are all located at MANAGEDPC\CAMENU relative to the installation directory of the Boot Server / IPS image store.


If the boot server is using shares, identifies the main installation script, or batch file, that starts from the DOS boot image and prepares and launches the installation.


If the boot server is using tftp, identifies the main installation script that starts from the DOS boot image and prepares and launches the installation.


Specifies the name of the auto-answer file that contains all the information needed for an unattended installation of the related operating system. This file is compliant with Microsoft's "Answer File Parameters for Unattended Installation of Windows (2003, 2000, XP, ME, 98)" or Linux unattended installation.


Specifies the file that defines the partitions of the hard disk.


Identifies the files that contain OS installation parameters. If you have defined the parameters in some other files, you must add the path to those files under this section.

When the RegisterOSImage command executes, it searches the given files for additional parameter definitions, adds the parameters found to the default.ini file, and registers them with the OS installation manager.

If a parameter already exists in the default.ini file, RegisterOSImage tries to register the parameter using the following command:

Registerosimage -i <image name> -t

The new parameters get a default definition in default.ini; you can however, modify them by editing the default.ini file. If you have edited the default.ini file, execute the following command to add or update the parameter definitions to the MDB:

Registerosimage -i <image name> -s <manager> -b  [-e]

Name of the first file containing OS Installation Manager parameters. The name is relative to the image store directory of the Boot Server or IPS.

The default location of the image store is \Program Files\CA\DSM\Server\SDBS\var\managedpc.


Name of the last file containing OS Installation Manager parameters. The name is relative to the MANAGEDPC directory of the Boot Server / IPS image store.


The update section lists the files that IPS must add or delete from the OS image to migrate the image to the new template. This information is used to create an update SD package for an OS image.


Specifies the name of a new file that IPS must add at the time of updating the OS image to a new image template. The path is relative to the image store directory of the Boot Server or IPS.

The default location of the image store is \Program Files\CA\DSM\Server\SDBS\var\managedpc.

Example: addfile parameter




Specifies the name of the file that IPS must delete at the time of updating an OS image to a new image template.


This section includes the information that product installations use while installing the OS image.


Specifies the name of the product.


Specifies the version of the product.