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Language Identifiers

The language identifier specifies the code page to use during the operating system setup. Valid values are as follows:


Chinese (PRC, Singapore)


Chinese (Taiwan, Hong Kong SAR, PRC)


Latin (North America, Western Europe). This is the default value.








East European (Romania, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Rep.)



Define Disk Partitions for WinPE-based Windows Images

A WinPE-based OS image has its own disk partition file named <imagename>.wp1 in Microsoft diskpart format. The disk partition file is created in the camenu directory of the image store. You can specify which disk partition to use, for installing the OS image on the target computer.

To define the disk partition for WinPE-based OS installations

  1. Deploy the OS image on the target computer in DSM Explorer.

    An OS Installation job is created under All Computers, {Group Details}, OS Installations.

  2. Navigate to All Computers, {Group Details}, OS Installations, and select the OS installation job to which you want to specify the disk partition.

    OS installation parameters appear in the right pane.

  3. Double-click the WinPEPartition parameter.

    The Edit OS Installation Parameter dialog opens.

  4. Select one the following values:
    Use default partition file

    Creates only one active primary c: partition on disk 0 of the target computer.

    Use special partition file <imagename>.wp1 from CAMENU

    Creates the hard disk partitions as defined in the .wp1 file.

    When OS installation job executes at the target computer, the operating system is installed on the disk partition you specified in the WinPEParitition parameter.