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CreateOSImage--Managing OS images

Valid on Windows

The Image Prepare System command createOSImage provides the following functionality:

This command has the following format:

CreateOSImage {-i<imagename> -o<OStype> | -x | -d<imagename> | -p<imagename> | -z<imagename> | -i<imagename> -e}
[-s <OSpath>] [-t <driverpath>] [-l <locale>] [-k <Prod.Key>] [-r <resp. file>] [-a <image>] [-g <imgtools>] [-n <path to language packs>] [-h <path to hotfixes>]

Creates an OS Image.The image name can consists of [a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, _] with a maximum of 8 characters.


Lists all created OS images.


Specifies the operating system type of the image. For more information about the supported OS and their types, see the Supported OS section.


Deletes the OS image.


Lists the information of the OS image.


Creates one image file for non-share download additionally to the tree.


Updates the specified image with the current templates. For more information, see Updating OS Images.


Specifies the path to the operating system files such as winnt.exe, setup.exe, and so on.

Default: CD drive


Specifies a path to additional drivers (for example, *.inf, *.sys). The drivers are added to the OSIM OS image. They are recognized during the hardware search of the OS installation on the target. This option cannot be used with the -a option that specifies an existing OS image. Instead, you must add the drivers to the existing OS image.

You can use the -t option with the -e option to update the drivers of an existing OS image:

createOSImage -i <imagename> -e -t <driverpath>

You can create an SD update package that includes the updated drivers using the following command:

registerOSImage -i <imagename> -e -s <manager> -l

Specifies the code page used to map the boot parameter during OS setup

Default: ENU Latin


Specifies the product key of the OS.

Default: 000-0000000

-r<resp. file>

Specifies the path to an own responsefile that should be used.

Default: Image Prepare System provided template


For Windows, it specifies an existing image which provides the image files for installation. Such an image has only its own control files in CAMENU.

For LINUX, –a gives an external NFS share name including the LINUX packages normally on a central NFS server. The created LINUX image includes the setup files only. See chapter LINUX OS images.


Applicable only for GETIMAGE image type

Specifies the path to the imaging tools such as imagex.exe and ghost32.exe that are used to capture a model computer. You can specify multiple paths, separated by a semicolon.

Note: You need not specify the path to imagex.exe if Microsoft Windows AIK is installed on the Image Prepare System.


path to language packs


Applicable only for Windows 7 and higher versions (Windows 7, Windows 7x64, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 7x64 SP1, Windows 8, Windows 2008r2, and Windows 2012 images).

Specifies the path to language packs. Microsoft provides language packs on separate DVDs. The DVDs contain subdirectories for every language. Use this parameter to prepare an OSIM Windows 7, Windows 7x64, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 7x64 SP1, Windows 8, Windows 2008r2, and Windows 2012 image to install multiple languages. You can specify the language of the target OS installation in the OS installation job. The language packs, in the path specified with this parameter, are copied to the OSIM OS image store and is used to install the correct language at the target computer. The language of the target OS depends on the OS installation job parameter setting and the available language pack; The fall back language is ENU.

Note: Alternatively, you can manually copy the respective language packs from DVDs to the Windows 7, Windows 7x64, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 7x64 SP1, Windows 8, Windows 2008r2, and Windows 2012 OS image in the image store at <OSIM-image store>\images\<imagename>\<imagename>\oeminst\langpacks.


path to hotfixes


Applicable only for Windows 7, Windows 7x64, Windows 8, Windows 2008r2, Windows 2012, and WEPOS images

Specifies the path to OS hotfixes. The hotfixes, in the path specified with this parameter, are copied to the OSIM OS image store and is applied on the target computer as a post-installation procedure.

Note: Alternatively, you can manually copy the hotfixes to the OS image in the image store at <OSIM-image store>\images\<imagename>\<imagename>\oeminst\hotfixes.