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This manual provides the conceptual and operational information necessary to use the CA IDMS Database Dictionary Loader Option including:

CA IDMS Dictionary Loader populates the dictionary

The CA IDMS Dictionary Loader is a syntax converter used in conjunction with the Integrated Data Dictionary (IDD) to simplify the task of populating the dictionary with information contained in COBOL source programs. The CA IDMS Dictionary Loader processes a system of programs (that is, programs that process common files and records) individually and then collectively. This processing yields a collection of useful reports and the Data Dictionary Definition Language (DDDL) source statements (that is, ADD PROGRAM, ADD RECORD, and ADD FILE) needed to populate the dictionary with information about the programs.

What follows

To acquaint you with the CA IDMS Dictionary Loader, this chapter presents a system overview, a list of system capabilities, and a description of the reports the CA IDMS Dictionary Loader generates. Sections 2, 3, and 4 discuss the input, output, and operation of each of the three CA IDMS Dictionary Loader components separately.

This section contains the following topics:

System Overview

CA IDMS Dictionary Loader Capabilities

CA IDMS Dictionary Loader Reports

Syntax Diagram Conventions