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CA IDMS Dictionary Loader Reports

Program Processor reports

The Program Processor produces four reports that are useful in analyzing the program, as follows:



Management Summary Report

Lists the number of source lines in each division of the program, the number of diagnostic messages issued, and file usage information. The report aids in a quick assessment of the program's complexity, conformance to standard and file usage.

Diagnostic Report

Lists all source program lines found to contain a potential error condition. The report aids in identifying COBOL syntax errors, non-conformance to ANS standards, and logical errors that could not be detected by a COBOL compiler.

File and Record Layouts Report

Lists information about the attributes of each file and detail information about the data items within each record. The report aids in finding information about files and data items without having to refer to the source listing.

DATA DIVISION Cross-Reference Report

Lists all data items used in the program and all references to the data items made in the PROCEDURE DIVISION of the program. The report allows comprehensive tracking of the use of data items within the program.

Cross-Reference Processor reports

The Cross-Reference Processor produces two reports that are useful in analyzing a collection of related programs as follows:



System Data
Cross-Reference Report

Lists data items and references to the items for a system of programs. The report allows comprehensive tracking of the use of data items within the entire system of programs.

Dictionary of Data Names

Lists alphabetically, all data element and record names used in a system of programs together with extensive information about each item listed. This report aids in tracking the use of data names.