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System Overview

CA IDMS Dictionary Loader components

The CA IDMS Dictionary Loader consists of three components:

Program Processor

The Program Processor analyzes a single COBOL program and produces an intermediate file (data usage file) containing information about data usage within the program (for example, an element name and the source lines that refer to the name). A collection of data usage files (that is, one file for each COBOL program in a system of programs) is input to the DDDL Generator and optionally to the Cross Reference Processor.

Cross Reference Processor

The optional Cross Reference Processor analyzes a collection of data usage files and produces reports that aid in developing the file of control statements for running the DDDL Generator. Generally, the Cross Reference Processor is executed for a system of programs (for example, several programs that process the same file).

DDDL Generator

The DDDL Generator reads data usage files produced by the Program Processor and generates the appropriate DDDL source statements for subsequent input to the DDDL compiler.

Illustration of the components

The following figure illustrates how the three CA IDMS Dictionary Loader components are related:

A flow diagram showing components of Dictionary Loader

Function of the Program Processor

The Program Processor (PRANCOB) analyzes a single COBOL program. Output from this program is a set of reports and a data usage file. The reports and the file contain information about the way that the program uses data. The data usage file is used as input to the Cross Reference Processor and the DDDL Generator. Note that the Program Processor is executed separately for each COBOL program in the system of programs to be processed. The functioning of the Program Processor is illustrated in the following figure:

A flow diagram showing the functioning of the Program Processor

Function of the Cross Reference Processor

The Cross Reference Processor (PRANXREF) analyzes a collection of data usage files to track all references to data elements throughout a system of programs. Output from this component are reports that provide extensive cross-reference information (for example, data items and the source lines that refer to each item) about the system of programs being analyzed. The reports also aid in developing the control statements for running the DDDL Generator. You can bypass the Cross Reference Processor in you want to. The following figure illustrates the functioning of the Cross Reference Processor:

A flow diagram showing the functioning of the Cross Reference Processor

Function of the DDDL Generator

The DDDL Generator (PRANIDDG) reads a collection of data usage files and generates the appropriate DDDL source statements for input to the IDD DDDL compiler. Optional control statements can be used to specify a VERSION clause to be added to generated statements and to identify synonymous and nonunique names (that is, multiple names used to refer to the same file or record or single names used to refer to two or more different files or records). This module generates a file containing all DDDL ADD PROGRAM, ADD FILE, and ADD RECORD statements associated with the system of programs processed and produces a listing of a all generated statements. The functioning of the DDDL Generator is illustrated in the following figure:

A flow diagram showing the functioning of the DDDL Generator