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DDDL Generator


The DDDL Generator reads data usage files and generates the appropriate DDDL source statements for input to the IDD DDDL compiler. Statements generated include ADD, PROGRAM, ADD RECORD, and ADD FILE. COBOL substatements of the RECORD statement are generated for defining elements.

DDDL Generator control statements

Control statements can be used to control the operation of the DDDL Generator:


The DDDL Generator produces a listing of statements generated and an output file containing the statements. This file can be input to the DDDL compiler directly or edited first and then input to the compiler. The DDDL compiler processes the generated statements to populate the data dictionary.

What follows

This chapter presents an overview of the DDDL Generator and instructions on how to develop a file of control statements, edit the generated DDDL statements, and execute the DDDL Generator under z/OS and z/VSE.

This section contains the following topics:


Developing a File of Control Statements

Parameter Statement

VERSION Statement

Grouping Statement

Using the Grouping Statement

Editing Generated DDDL Statements

Executing the DDDL Compiler