JCL for executing the DDDL Generator under z/OS and z/VSE is shown below. Under z/VSE, processing options must be specified with the parameter statement. Under z/OS, options can be specified either with the parameter statement or in the PARM clause of the EXEC statement.
//PRANIDDG EXEC PGM=PRANIDDG,REGION=1024K //STEPLIB DD DSN=idms.dba.loadlib,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=idms.custom.loadlib,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=idms.cagjload,DISP=SHR //SYSLST DD SYSOUT=A //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=A //SORTMSG DD SYSOUT=A //SORTLIB DD DSN=SYS1.SORTLIB,DISP=SHR //SORTWK01 DD UNIT=disk,SPACE=(cyl,(5,5)) //SORTWK02 DD UNIT=disk,SPACE=(cyl,(5,5)) //SORTWK03 DD UNIT=disk,SPACE=(cyl,(5,5)) //PRANLIB DD DSN=reflib,DISP=SHR ◄ Include only if using LIBRARY option //PRANREF DD DSN=sysref1,DISP=SHR ◄ Included only if using DISK option // DD DSN=sysref2,DISP=SHR . . . // DD DSN=sysrefn,DISP=SHR //dcmsg DD DSN=idms.sysmsg.ddldcmsg,DISP=SHR //sysjrnl DD * //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSIDMS DD * dmcl=dmcl-name Insert additional SYSIDMS parameters as appropriate //SYSIPT DD * Insert optional control statements //SYSPCH DD DSN=dddlstmts,DISP=(NEW,catlg), SPACE=(trk,(10,10),rlse),UNIT=disk, VOL=SER=nnnnnn,DCB=BLKSIZE=blksize
Description |
idms.dba.loadlib |
Data set name of the load library containing the DMCL and database name table load modules |
idms.custom.loadlib |
Data set name of the load library containing customized CA IDMS system software modules |
idms.cagjload |
Data set name of the load library containing CA IDMS system software modules that do not require customization |
blksize |
block size of DDDL statement file (must be a multiple of 80) |
catlg |
disposition of new file: CATLG, PASS, or KEEP |
cyl(5,5) |
file space allocation of work file |
dddlstmts |
dataset name of file to contain DDDL statements |
disk |
symbolic device name of disk file |
nnnnnn |
serial number of disk volume |
reflib |
data set name of partitioned data set containing data usage files |
sysref1 |
data set names of sequential data sets containing data usage files |
(trk,(10,10),rlse) |
space allocation for DDDL statement file |
dcmsg |
DDname of the system message (DDLDCMSG) area |
idms.sysmsg.ddldcmsg |
Data set name of the system message (DDLDCMSG) area |
DDname of the CA-IDMS parameter file specifying runtime directives and operating system-dependent parameters. Note: For a complete description of the SYSIDMS parameter file, see the CA IDMS Common Facilities Guide. |
// DLBL SLLn,'user.srclib'
// EXTENT ,nnnnnn // LIBDEF SL,TO=SSLn,TEMP // DLBL PRANREF,'sysref',,SD ◄ Include only if using DISK option // EXTENT SYS010,nnnnnn // ASSGN SYS010,DISK,VOL=nnnnnn,SHR // DLBL SORTWK1,'WORK1',0,SD // EXTENT SYS001,nnnnnn,1,,ssss,200 // ASSGN SYS001,DISK,VOL=nnnnnn,SHR // DLBL IDMSPCH,'dddl statements',99/365,SD // EXTENT SYS020,nnnnnn,1,,ssss,300 // ASSGN SYS020,DISK,VOL=nnnnnn,SHR // EXEC PRANIDDG,SIZE=200K optional control statements /*
Description |
dddl statements |
file-id of the file to contain DDDL statements |
nnnnnn |
serial number of disk volume |
ssss |
starting track (CKD) or block (FBA) of disk extent |
sysref |
file-id for sequential file containing data usage file |
user.srclib |
source statement library containing data usage files |
SSln |
filename of source statement library |
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