The VERSION statement describes the VERSION clause to be added to each generated DDDL statement. This statement is optional; if omitted, the DDDL Generator automatically adds a VERSION 01 clause to each generated ADD statement.
►►── VERsion ─┬─ NEXT HIGhest ───┬────────────────────────────────────────────►◄ ├─ NEXT LOWest ────┤ ├─ version-number ─┤ └─ 01 ◄ ───────────┘
Parameter list
Identifies the statement and specifies that the clause described is to be added to all generated ADD PROGRAM, ADD FILE, and ADD RECORD statements.
Specifies the version. Version-number, if specified, must be a 1- to 4-digit number in the range 1 through 9999.
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