Types of control statements
The DDDL Generator accepts three types of optional control statements:
One or more parameter statements, a single VERSION statement, and one or more grouping statements make up the control file.
Steps to develop a file
To develop a file of control statements, follow these steps:
Step 1: Specify the processing options
See the following table and determine whether the default processing options in effect are acceptable. Select any override processing options needed for the run. Specify the override options with a parameter statement. Note that options can be specified in z/OS execution JCL by using the PARM clause of the EXEC statement. For syntax and rules, see Parameter Statement later in this chapter.
Parameter |
Default option |
Override option |
NOLIBRARY—Data usage files are not to be read from a library. The default DISK (see below) must be taken with NOLIBRARY. |
LIBRARY—Data usage files are to be read from a partitioned data set (z/OS) or source statement library (z/VSE). |
DISK—Data usage files are to be read from a sequential data set. |
NODISK—Data usage files are not to be read from a partitioned data set (z/OS) or source statement library(z/VSE). |
LIST—The file of generated DDDL statements is to be listed. |
NOLIST—The file of generated DDDL statements is not to be listed. |
Step 2: Specify a VERSION statement
Determine whether VERSION 01 is the appropriate clause to be added to generated DDDL statements. For considerations relating to the use of the VERSION clause, see the Editing Generated DDDL Statements later in this chapter. Specify a VERSION statement, if appropriate. For syntax and rules, see VERSION Statement later in this chapter.
Step 3: Identify file and record names
Identify nonunique or synonymous file and record names. Use the System Data Cross Reference Report and the Dictionary of Data Names Report to research the use of entity names. Find multiple names for the same file or record and instances when a single name is used to refer to different files or records.
Step 4: Specify grouping statements
Using the information gathered in Step 3, create the grouping statements necessary to ensure that an ADD statement will be generated for each unique entity and that SYNONYM clauses will be generated for ADD statements that describe the same file or record using different entity-occurrence names. See Grouping Statement later in this chapter.
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