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Set Display Preferences for Relationships

You use the Relationship tab in the Theme Editor to set the preferences for displaying the relationships in your model.

To set display preferences for relationships

  1. Click Themes on the View menu.

    The Theme Editor opens.

  2. Select the Theme for which you want to set the display preferences, and click the Relationship tab.
  3. Work with the following options:
    Style Inheritance

    Inherit text font from parent Table/Entity name font

    Specifies that the font is inherited from the parent table (or entity) name font. If you select this check box, you cannot edit the Font Options field in the Relationship Text Font section.

    Inherit text color from line color

    Specifies that the text color is inherited from the line color. If you select this check box, you cannot edit the Color field in the Relationship Text Color section.

    Inherit line color from parent Table/Entity outline color

    Specifies that the line color is inherited from the parent table (or entity) outline color. If you select this check box, you cannot edit the Color field in the Relationship Line Style section.

    Relationship Text Font

    Font Options

    Specifies the font you use for the relationships in your model. If you have selected the Inherit text font from parent table (or entity) name font check box, you cannot edit this field.

    Relationship Text Color


    Specifies the text color you use for the relationships in your model. If you have selected the Inherit text color from line color check box, you cannot edit this field.

    Relationship Line Style

    Line Width

    Specifies the default width for relationship lines. Use the spin controls to increase or decrease line width.


    Specifies the default color for relationship lines. If you have selected the Inherit line color from parent table (or entity) outline color check box, you cannot edit this field.

    Note: You can select to inherit, override, or harden any of these settings except for display settings for the Default Theme.

  4. Click Close.

    Your changes are saved and the Theme Editor closes.

More information:

Define the General Font Options

Define the General Line Options

Define the General Outline Options