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Change Passwords for Standard Users

When you start the registry for the first time, seven standard users are created. Each standard user is assigned a role, user type, and default password. To help prevent unauthorized access, we recommend that you change the default passwords for these users as soon as possible.

Follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that DevTest Solutions is running. See Start the Server Components.
  2. Browse to the DevTest Console.
  3. Log in to the DevTest Console. If you have no credentials, take one of the following approaches:
  4. Click Server Console.
  5. Click the Administration navigation tab.
  6. Click Users.

    The standard users are displayed.

  7. For each standard user, perform the following steps:
    1. Click Show User Details for one of the standard users.


    1. Type a new password in the Password field.
    2. Type the new password in the Re-type Password field.
    3. Click Save.
  8. Click Logout.