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Standard Users

When you start the registry for the first time, standard users are created. Each standard user is assigned a role within a user type, and default password. See Standard User Types and Standard Roles for permissions that are associated with each role.

Important! To help prevent unauthorized access, we recommend that you change the default passwords for these users as soon as possible.


The admin user has the Super User role, a PF Power User and SV Power User combination user type. The default password is admin.


The pfpower user has the PF Power role, a PF Power User user type. The default password is pfpower.


The svpower user has the SV Power role, an SV Power User user type. The default password is svpower.


The tpower user has the Test Power role, a Test Power User user type. The default password is tpower.


The devtest user has the Runtime role, a Runtime User user type. The default password is devtest.


The sysadmin user has the System Administrator role, a Runtime user type. The default password is sysadmin.


The guest user has the Guest role. The default password is guest.