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Protocol Weight Configuration

The feature directive lets you modify the capture level for each protocol that the DevTest Java Agent can capture.

Note: Setting different capture levels is not supported for queue-based client and server communication, for example, WebSphere MQ and JMS.

You can also modify the capture levels from the DevTest Portal. For more information, see Using CA Continuous Application Insight.

The feature directive has the following format:

<feature name="protocol_name" weight="weight"/>

The feature directive can be placed within the group element or the agent element of the rules.xml file.

Set the weight attribute to 0, 4, or 8. The value 0 corresponds to the Counts level. The value 4 corresponds to the Counts and Paths level. The value 8 corresponds to the Full Data level.

The following example sets the JDBC protocol to the Full Data level:

<feature name="JDBC" weight="8"/>