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DevTest Java Agent

The DevTest Java Agent is a piece of server-side technology that can be installed inside any Java process, including Java EE containers. The agent enables DevTest to control and monitor server-side activities.

The agent can do what most profilers do: monitor loaded classes/objects, CPU usage, memory usage, threads, track method calls, and so on. However, the agent works across multiple JVMs and is used with DevTest to bring unique features to testing.

In particular, the agent provides visibility into the actions that a test or test step causes the servers to do behind the scenes. This capability can help identify bugs and bottlenecks. This capability is similar to what CA Continuous Application Insight does. However, it works across all protocols that the Java applications use without the need to instrument any code or even any configuration files.

The agent also supports CA Service Virtualization. The agent enables record and replay of traffic and method calls across protocols. The agent gives CA Service Virtualization complete control of the areas of the target application that you want to virtualize. The agent provides a unified framework to accomplish this functionality regardless of the protocol.

This section contains the following topics:

Java Agent Architecture

Java Agent Installation

Java Agent Usage

Java Agent Security

Java Agent Log Files

Java Agent Troubleshooting