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Test the JMS Send Receive Step

You can verify the functionality of the JMS Send Receive step in the editor.

The execution log provides a high-level view of the activity that happens behind the scenes. For example, the following lines in the execution log show the creation of various JMS client assets:

Creating JMS Connection
Starting JMS Connection
Creating JMS Session
Performing JNDI lookup with name: queue/B
Creating JMS Consumer on Queue B
Performing JNDI lookup with name: queue/A
Creating JMS Producer

Follow these steps:

  1. Click the green Execute button in the step editor.
  2. To cancel the step while it is executing, click Cancel.

    The Response tab shows the response that was received when the operation finishes.

  3. To view the step activity, click Execution Log.
  4. To monitor the asset instances, click Runtime Monitor.
  5. To view the request that was sent, click the Request tab.