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JMS Client Assets

The Java Message Service (JMS) is a specification that allows Java programs to interact with enterprise messaging systems. The original version is 1.0. The latest version is 1.1.

JMS includes the following terminology:

You can create assets for the following types of objects that the JMS clients use:

In the editor for each JMS client asset, each parameter has a tooltip that describes the purpose of the parameter.

The following graphic shows how a JMS client handles request messages and response messages.

Diagram shows JMS client and objects.


Connection Factories

A connection factory is used to create connections.

The connection factories can be characterized in terms of how they are initialized:

The connection factories can also be characterized in terms of the destinations that they support:

Many connection factory assets are a combination of these two categories. For example, the Direct JMS 1.0 Topic Connection Factory for TIBCO EMS asset is a direct connection factory that supports topics only.



A connection represents an active connection with a JMS provider. Connections are used to create sessions.

Connections can be characterized in terms of the destinations that they support:

A connection must remain open while its sessions are open.



A session is used to create producers and consumers.

Sessions can be characterized in terms of the destinations that they support:

A session must remain open while its producers and consumers are active.



A producer is used to send a message to a destination.

DevTest has only one type of producer.



A consumer is used to receive a message from a destination.

DevTest has only one type of consumer. However, you can use a consumer in either of two ways:



A destination represents a location on the JMS platform where messages are placed.

Destinations are divided into queues and topics:

Destinations can also be characterized in terms of how they are created:

Destination assets are a combination of these two categories. For example, the JMS JNDI Queue asset is a point-to-point destination that is initialized through JNDI.