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SAP IDoc Sender

The SAP IDoc Sender step lets you connect to an SAP system to send SAP IDocs.

Prerequisites: Using DevTest with this application requires that you make one or more files available to DevTest. For more information, see Third-Party File Requirements in Administering.

To create an SAP IDoc Sender step:

  1. Select a Destination asset that includes the connection information for either an application server or a message server.
  2. If you are using a message server:

    In Windows, add the following line to the end of the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\services file: sapmsCR2 3600/tcp.

    In Linux, add the following line to the end of /etc/services: sapmsCR2 3600/tcp.

    SAP IDoc Sender base tab

  3. Enter the following parameter in the SAP IDoc Sender step editor.
    If Environment Error

    Specifies the action to take or the step to go to if the test fails because of an environment error.

    Default: Abort the test.

  4. To test the connection to the SAP server, click Test Connection.
  5. To display the file locator, click Read IDoc From File. Navigate to the location of your IDoc and select it.

    SAP IDocs are supported in XML and raw text formats.