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Third-Party File Requirements

To use DevTest Solutions with various third-party applications, you must make JAR files from the third-party application available to DevTest. Unless otherwise specified in the following sections, you can use any of these approaches:

The following example shows the LISA_POST_CLASSPATH variable on a Windows computer. The files in this example are WebSphere MQ files.

LISA_POST_CLASSPATH="C:\Program Files\IBM\MQSeries\Java\lib\;C:\Program Files\IBM\MQSeries\Java\lib\;C:\Program Files\IBM\MQSeries\Java\lib\;C:\Program Files\IBM\MQSeries\Java\lib\;C:\Program Files\IBM\MQSeries\Java\lib\;C:\Program Files\IBM\MQSeries\Java\lib\;C:\Program Files\IBM\MQSeries\Java\lib\connector.jar;C:\Program Files\IBM\MQSeries\Java\lib\dhbcore.jar"

CA does not provide the third-party files listed in this topic.

Note: This topic assumes that the local installation type was selected during the installation of DevTest Solutions. If the shared installation type was selected, the hotDeploy directory can be in a location other than LISA_HOME.


JCAPS File Requirements

If you are using the JCAPS Messaging (Native) step, see the JCAPS documentation for information about the JAR files that you might need.

If you are using the JCAPS Messaging (JNDI) step, the file is required. See the JCAPS documentation for information about other JAR files that you might need.

The JAR files are available in the lib directory of the JCAPS installation.


JMS Messaging File Requirements

If you are using the JMS Messaging (JNDI) step, see the JMS provider's documentation for information about the JAR files that you might need.


Oracle OC4J File Requirements

The following JAR files are required:

See the OC4J documentation for more information about JAR files that you might need. The JAR files are available in the lib directory of the OC4J installation.


SAP File Requirements

The following JAR files are required:

SAP IDoc Virtualization Requirements

  1. Create an RFC Destination of type T on both the client and server SAP systems. DevTest uses this RFC Destination to receive IDocs from both systems.
  2. Update the outbound partner profile on the client and server SAP system. Update the outbound parameter in the partner profile for the respective IDoc type to send to the port number associated with the RFC Destinations created in Step 1. This allows DevTest to receive IDocs from the client and server SAP systems.
  3. Create and import the connection property files in your project under the Data directory.
    1. Create the RFC Connection (with properties from .jcoServer) for the client RFC Destination created in Step 1.
    2. Create the System Connection property file (with properties from .jcoDestination) for the client SAP system.
    3. Create the RFC Connection (with properties from .jcoServer) for the server RFC Destination created in Step 1.
    4. Create the System Connection property file (with properties from .jcoDestination) for the server SAP system.

Before you begin recording, you must also create and import the connection property files in your project under the Data directory. You need these files to start JCo servers to receive IDocs from and forward IDocs to the client and server SAP systems. You need the RFC Connection (with properties from .jcoServer) and System Connection (with properties from .jcoDestination) property files. You need these files to start JCo servers to receive IDocs from and forward IDocs to the client and server SAP systems. Consult the SAP administrator about populating these property files.

SAP RFC Virtualization Requirements

  1. Create an RFC Destination of type T on the client SAP system. DevTest uses this RFC Destination to intercept remote function calls that the client system makes.
  2. Update the ABAP code that makes the remote function call to use the new destination.
  3. Create and import the connection property files in your project under the Data directory. Consult the SAP administrator about populating these property files.
    1. Create the RFC Connection (with properties from .jcoServer) for the client RFC destination that was created in Step 1. This file MUST NOT specify jco.server.repository_destination.
    2. Create the Repository Connection property file (with properties from the .jcoDestination) for the system that acts as the RFC repository. This is typically the same as the system on which the RFC was run.
    3. Create the System Connection property file (with properties from the .jcoDestination) for the system where the RFC runs. If this is the same as the Repository connection, only one properties file is needed.

SonicMQ File Requirements

The following JAR files are required:

The JAR files are available in the lib directory of the SonicMQ installation.


TIBCO File Requirements

The requirements for TIBCO vary depending on the application.

Copy the TIBCO JAR files to the LISA_HOME\lib directory or define the LISA_POST_CLASSPATH variable. Do not copy the files to the LISA_HOME\hotDeploy directory.

TIBCO Rendezvous Messaging

The following JAR files are required:

TIBCO Rendezvous .dll files are also required. Copy all .dll files from the TIBCO Rendezvous bin directory to the LISA_HOME\bin directory. Reference the LISA_HOME\bin location in your path environment.

In addition, add the TIBCO Rendezvous bin directory to your PATH environment variable.

TIBCO EMS Messaging or TIBCO Direct JMS

The following JAR files are required:

TIBCO Hawk Metrics

The following JAR files are required:

TIBCO Rendezvous and/or TIBCO EMS JAR files, depending on which transport TIBCO Hawk is using, also need to be copied to the LISA_HOME\lib directory.


WebLogic File Requirements

The weblogic.jar file is required. If you are using security or JMX, other JAR files might be required.

See the WebLogic documentation for more information about JAR files that you might need. The JAR files are available in the lib directory of the WebLogic installation.


webMethods File Requirements

The following JAR files are required:

The JAR files are available in the lib directory of the webMethods installation.


WebSphere MQ File Requirements

Copy the WebSphere MQ JAR files to the LISA_HOME\lib directory or define the LISA_POST_CLASSPATH variable. Do not copy the files to the LISA_HOME\hotDeploy directory.

Note: If the operating system is a Japanese version, use the files that are listed for WebSphere MQ 7.

The following JAR files are required for WebSphere MQ 5.2:

The following JAR files are required for WebSphere MQ 6:

The following JAR files are required for WebSphere MQ 7:

The JAR files are available in the MQ_HOME\java\lib directory.