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Other IMUF Considerations

CAIENF must run as an APF task because z/OS security restrictions do not allow an APF-authorized task to invoke an unauthorized task. Users have the choice of running an external MUF as APF-authorized or non-authorized, but IMUF must run APF-authorized. When the MUF is running in its own address space, it is under no CAIENF-imposed APF restrictions. MUF only requires APF authorization in CAIENF IMUF mode.

The MUF load libraries (CAAXLOAD and CUSLIB) that participate in IMUF operation must be APF-authorized because they are now commingled through JOBLIB/STEPLIB or LNKLST with CAIENF APF-authorized libraries.

Note: The CA Datacom/AD auxiliary data sets (CXX, FXX, LXX, PXX, and RXX) do not require APF authorization.

Running the IMUF APF-authorized is not an issue because the MUFs should always be APF-authorized to maximize CA Datacom/AD's performance enhancement capabilities, and to ensure that the full range of CA Datacom/AD's features are available.

If the IMUF statement is omitted from ENFPARMS, CAIENF starts up in standard mode of operation. CAIENF expects (and requires) an external MUF address space to be already started and prepared to accept CAIENF database requests.